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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. https://astrobackyard.com/brightest-galaxies-in-the-sky/ These things are outside of the Milky Way, and will stay visible if remove its stars from the sky. As a human with normal vision can see up to 6, there should be two bright fuzzy spots the sky, midway to Andromeda, and a ten more if use theatre binoculars.
  2. There is a whole lot of the stars more, which belong to Milky Way, but I can't see them trough the body of the planet.
  3. No. Who is Jo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Grant
  4. May I click? No, May XII click.
  5. Granted. You see can the "Universal Pictures..." ... Oops. You can't. I wish for entangled quantum computer..
  6. Nobody can see the stars when being drunk. Only green imps, and sometimes squirrels.
  7. I can't see even Milky Way from here. Living in a ciy is like flying between the galaxy clusters...
  8. But the vision can percept only the objects which definitely exist. So, while the beholder outside of the box exists in the reality with undefined cat status, the same beholder's eye exists it the cat's reality, which should be defined for its eye. Won't the Schroedinger's experiment cause an uncontrollable cell division of the beholders, that's the question...
  9. I guess, just another set of strange and sometimes annoying questions has started.
  10. If take the Schroedinger's anti-cat box, and take a beholder as the observer. Then put an eye tentacle inside the box. Is the cat alive or not for the beholder? Or will the beholder split into two parallel realities?
  11. Peaks + pulsation. Also, it's 30 points of applied pressure, not uniformly distributed presure. Sp, the local maximums may exceed the average tens times.
  12. The more I know about astronomy, the more I believe that we live in a small room, full of funhouse mirrors.
  13. A side note: one should not use all decimal digits after point, if he desires to be taken seriously. Actually, "60000*2000/54000 " is "~=2200" or at least "2222.2"
  14. Great Google Picture wars are banned by the Great Google Picture treaty.
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