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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Afair the smallpox and leptospirosis were the most popular in North America. So, any cattle-herding people would bring it right inside themselves and the cattle,
  2. It is pangry. How would be called Babylon when it had grown from baby age?
  3. Granted. Please, change your forum name to AlamoBat(man). I wish for a magic ancient artifact, just4lulz.
  4. We can take into account that the currently used chronology table is based on JJ Scaliger's calculations, and he was deadly fond of the circle squaring. So, probably the critical error has already happened. *) Btw sounds like a rapper nickname. Jay-Jay Scaliger. Wait... doesn't that mean that the rap is the Melody of Spheres? Oh, ... !
  5. But as the OP asks on the KSP forum, rather than in his local space police department, he probably means if his achievement follows the KSP forum laws properly.
  6. Is it prohibited by the forum rules? If not, then why not. *** Also, if he throws the stone enough fast, it will reach LEO before crossing the river, so it will technically be not a border crossing, but an unauthorized space launch. As unlikely Bulgaria has some laws prohibiting it, this would probably not illegal.
  7. The day when it gets possible to emulate the taste via the internet, will be the last day of the restaurant industry. And not only of them.
  8. Banned for being tscursed. Or for tscursing somebody.
  9. As the Earth polar and equatorial diameters differ by ~21 km, we can treat Everest as an underwater mountain, nearly at the Mariana Trench. Its top is even lower than the North Pole bottom by several kilometers.
  10. Yes, it is. But makes worry, is that NASA presumes the "No Moon" existence in close proximity at all.
  11. Yes. All you need is speed. Btw, an idea of UFRT, the ultra-fast relativistic telescope. Just launch it in arbitrary durection, and watch the whole universe on a signle photo. Interesting, is it possible to use fine mechanics to point at different gravitational lenses...
  12. NASA has easily squared the circle. *** Enough heavy square becomes circle due to self-gravity, getting a hydrostatic equilibrium shape.
  13. Granted. A self-propelled heat pump machine TMS-65 starts pumping heat into your window. I wish there was its cooling analog.
  14. Cowardice vs Greed & Vanity Is a ship vertically sticking out from the Antarctic ice an ice-breaker or a sky-scraper?
  15. No prblem. The classics. Also, various code options. Also, the face recognition system used in Moscow can distinguish twins (not only joint ones) long ago. https://3dnews-ru.translate.goog/977267/v-moskve-predstavili-neyroset-raspoznayushchuyu-bliznetsov?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  16. Banned for calling banzilla banosaurus.
  17. https://www-m24-ru.translate.goog/articles/nauka/13082015/81898?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp Just another story about the invigorating power of natural radiation. I'm proud to state that Russia didn't hit the dirt, together with others.
  18. Biplanes are used not because four (two) wings are better than two (one), but because construction materials are too weak to withstand the bending. Say, originially monoplane OKA-38 became a biplane being grown into twice bigger An-2, but then the latter became back an experimental monoplane, when the duralumine had been replaced with carbon composite. The propeller blades are also limited in length.
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