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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Banned for banning the entire calendar.
  2. Granted. It's also Jeb's life long, and explodes. I wish Kerbin had swamps, like the Yoda's one.
  3. р, rho = "radius-vector", i.e. distance from (0, 0) It's in polar coordinates.
  4. Banned because that's the principle of Half-Life 2.
  5. What's wrong with previous Artemis? I wish for Artemis 3.
  6. AI leaves to the people only primitive handy job. Exactly, what the human species had started from.
  7. AI: make the fake deeper! The main danger of AI is that it never gets tired. So, a negative loopback is absent, making any echo infinitely growing. Human abilities in makng bad are limited by the monkey biological nature. The same is why old witnesses are more dangerous than old videos. Can't be rewritten. Biology rules. The same is why the close inter-generation relations are significant. Old witnesses may speak full nonsense, but remember minor details which makes looking nonsense what you see in a video, by TV, or read in a book. Just because nobody cares to paint grass with another color in an adult video, and you can see on background the truth of their life. That's why the enemy tries to break the communication between youngs and olds by making them inappropriate for each other, by making the youngsters look freaky, and by inventing stupid and smelly "old" traditions kinda from the elders.
  8. First the Jedi scum makes Anakin betray his mother. Then the Jedi scum gets shocked that Anakin betrayed the Jedi scum. L - Lodzhick.
  9. She just got lucky. Is the pith-a-gore theoreme correct?
  10. Don't be afraid of AI! AI is your best friend! Human friends do improper things, and can teach you bad habits! AI will teach you only good things, and is always ready to help you get better, and to bring the order in your life, analyze your social activities and give you an order advice how to optimize them, save you from false friends by informing the Order about them, bring your expenses in balance with incomes by informing the Order and sending the order, count the cash in your wallets to help the tax inspector, know your lovers! AI will analyze the whole mess of your puny disgusting terrible weird useless chaotic existence life! A work, impossible even for a hundred of human spies, put in charge of you, can be done in a minute by AI. In return you just need to broom the street, while the AI is analyzing your life, doing hard intellectual work, and writes musics and pictures to amuse everyone. Isn't it just wonderful?
  11. Worthygaunt How do you feel after finishing a hard work.
  12. We just accept the superposition of possible states. (Brief version: we don't care.) Did Pithagor Pythagoras have nothing else to do, except prooving the school theoremes?
  13. Granted. You get Skoalab. I wish for lunar stone-eating species.
  14. Banned for not banning him for the oversized text.
  15. Saying about yourself A.M., like if you are a clock, is cheating.
  16. Banned for not saying "numberic", cuz "numbers".
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