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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Banned for a thought out reason.
  2. It's the Earth is pulled to you at 6.674*10-11 * 80 / (6.371*106)2 ~= 1.3*10-22 m/s2. So, "your" fall from 1 m altitude will last for sqrt(1 * 2 / 1.3*10-22) ~= 1.24*1011 s ~= 4 000 years. Ph: Phyzix.
  3. Maybe the Firefly stays still. Just applies a transformatrix to the surrounding Univers, making it move around the ship. When you play KSP, you don't move, the Kerbal universe does.
  4. Dune. A member of Bene Gesserit can access the memories of all her female predecessors, so it's a transtemporal (thus, kinda superluminal) quantum entanglement RAM. So, if collect a battery of Bene Gesserits and bind them together, it will be a memory bank of that kind. A mentat is a quantum CPU. S, a pack of mentats is a multicore processor unit. A tleilaxan can pass any Face id test. So, if put all of that in a spaceship, attach to the Guild Navigation Unit, they can take under control an iPhone on the modern Earth, bypass the Dune anti-computer laws, and let the modern AI take the Dune universe under control as well. The Dune dwellers erroneously believe that the God-Emperor is Atreides, but this obviously isn't so, because the WH40k one is more tough. This way, the whole Dune world can be Terra-formed, and the Warp (used by the Navigators' Guild) can be defeated.
  5. Banned, because it should be so.
  6. Granted. The origin got blues, a very sad origin. I wish for an infrasonic frequency magnetron.
  7. Banned for calling Unsigned Inta County Uinta County without typedef. Wy do you ask us? How could we know, wy? So, somebody is oming somewhere there, and we should know, wy are they doing it? Bkoz.
  8. You call Sub-Zero and substitute him in the equation. I wish the less known H.G. Wells' books were much better known.
  9. Banned for mistyping the Apple iDaho.
  10. The Sith and the Jedi are just minor parts of one same Order of Force, its crowd. There is no real opposition between them, just usage as a hammer and an anvil to put the galaxy plebs in between. Sometimes they migrate to the opposite faction. Say, Palpatin and Anakin were originally listed at the Light/Republic/Jedi side, but later were moved to the Dark/Imperial/Sith side. The Rebels have huge space fleets which could not be built and supported secretly, without the industry, controlled by the empire. Thus, somebody tells Empire to look in another direction. They are Forced to use primitive lightsabres (darksabres for Sith?) as a sign of their belonging to the Order, which gives the magic crystals for both. As they usually migrate from Light to Dark, we can treat it as a promotion. 1. The Dark/Sith are more individual, unique, have more official power, don't need to hide. 2. The Light/Jedi are closer to the simple people, have more understandable, populist, socially appropriate party platform. So, while the Imperial Troopers are a way to recruit an expendable dumb cannon fodder, the Rebels are a way to recruit more intellectual and active individuals, to let them pass though a real probation without any guarantees, become an autonomous experienced actor, disappoint in Jedi and become Sith, get more power, and be used for more serious tasks than whipping of peasants
  11. Banned for using non-metric energy units.
  12. Granted. Your methane production get double, the planet warming is coming faster. I wish to identify the identifier.
  13. The moral relativism is relatively moral...
  14. Wait... Doesn't it proove the theory of the Hollow Earth. Look. We can't see from inside, what's outside of the subway tunnels. And they are cylindric, exactly like they should be in vacuum. Maybe the subway tunnels are in fact pressurized pipes, hanging in underground vacuum below the cave ceiling? Recall, what do you see in the /noclip mode in all known 3d games.
  15. Let a phycisist bite you. I wish I had a built-in Google Earth in my mind.
  16. Writing "not" instead of ! is cheating.
  17. Granted. You have a potato planting kit. I wish it was in KSP.
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