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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Sending letters to someone living in a capital is cheating??? Okay...
  2. Floor 3397: An Ancient Roman plate with ZVVL caption.
  3. None. The Matrix restores it. Are the mountains inverted lakes?
  4. You are saying strange things. If there is no light side and dark side, then how to explain that the opponent is always wrong?
  5. In Sengoku Jedi they took out a whole armored group even without pistols. Even the tank and the helicopter.
  6. 1930: A car has replaced a horse for you. 2030: AI has explained you that you need neither.
  7. If take a Jedi and drop it into a vat of FEV, probably the midichlorians should forcedly mutate and evolve. A Supermutjedant will be born. Armed with a lighthydrant. If also feed the Superjedant with Spice from Arrakis, it will also have V.A.T.S. mode, But this in turn makes to think, wasn't Shai-Hulud full of midichlorians itself? Maybe, that's what the Spice is. A concentrated midichlorian exctrete?
  8. Pressurized cylinders (to save the materials and to minimize the surface area, i.e. possible leaks), with rectangular minecraft-style-octangular inner frames to save the internal space.
  9. The NASA employees don't play KSP to learn physics. They watch the Scott Manley's videos for that.
  10. THey would look like their parts are built at a planet and brought to the place.
  11. The main reason of the Dark Matter (tm) invention discovery acquisition was the fun fact, that the galaxies are moving like a whirlpool, while the mass distribution was not matching that. Guessing, that soon they will discover that the Dark Matter is the Aether, and the galaxies are its whirlpools around the sinkholes, which are erroneously treated as blackholes.
  12. When AI starts ruling the humans, the humans will start sticking in textures irl.
  13. Yes. But first you must say: "Cotton-Eyed Joe! Cotton -Eyed Joe! Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe? Take your eye, and go where you had come from!" If we live in Matrix, what's her determinant?
  14. New Egyptian pyramids are waiting for their hardworking heroes.
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