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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Meanwhile, a nice idea for a KSP mod. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobby_horsing Combines the absence of animals and the presence of them. Doesn't depend on food, can be used on airless moons, doubles the Kerbal run speed.
  2. Oops, I was thinking that it's using English Morse + Pinyin.
  3. As English, German, French, Russian, etc. from Ancient Greek and Latin.
  4. The question which is being asked by everyone, first time looking at the corporative legacy project. As you can see, the late interface wrapper is written in runes, while the elder three-layered kernel is intuitively understandable, but almost unreadable.
  5. Needs a drum. A project diagram.
  6. Having "the" while having "this" is cheating.
  7. Noone can none, and it's a cheating.
  8. A junior writes a wooden code, full of crutches. A senior writes a stone code, full of crutches. The art of programming is a software gothic architecture.
  9. No nobody can trust google. Even can't trust wiki. Becuase you don't know if the text is written by humans or generated by AI.
  10. So, Adobe Photoshop is now fireflied fireflown. No Photoshop art anymore, no photo proofs anymore... Probably, the GIMP will follow. *** Once they have added it to Adobe Premier, no Holy Wood anymore. *** The plot writers strike will face an unexpected sad end. ChatGPT writes texts (definitely not worse than humans), MidJourney paints secneries, Adobe films the movie. GoPro provide the video of reality, the user watches a movie in augmented reality.
  11. A true Jedi pilot must have it on the sword handle. And move the slider with Force.
  12. Banned for now placing the extension before the file name. comedy → edy.com
  13. NK has the Soviet rocket tech (probably via a post-Soviet republic), SK has the Soviet rocket tech via Angara stage used in its LV. The UnitedK will run twice better into space P.S. What's the native name of the Orion constellation in Korean? (Not /orion/ spelling, but the ancient/medieval/native name? Like, "Space Hunter", "Three Stars", or so, how did they call it in Korean.) I mean, what would be the Project Orion name of a NK nuke spaceship?
  14. Another mighty entity. (p.5) http://www.korean-books.com.kp/KBMbooks/en/periodic/pictorial/20230429165408.pdf (from http://www.korean-books.com.kp/en/search/?page=periodic-pictorial , other issues have the rocket pix, too). The buildings at p.24 also look similar.
  15. Banned for writing the command file extention without a period. c:\> sit.com
  16. Replacing "cannot" with "can't" is cheating. Though, replacing "can not" with "cannot" is cheating, too.
  17. May I click? No, May XXXI click!
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