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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. They don't. Only insulation, and rarely a mixer. That's why they use hypergolics in space.
  2. Idk, but watch yourself. (Also notice the timespace warp mine. It explodes with a several second delay after he opens the box, and the explosion GZ is under the car, not where the book has fallen.)
  3. Click in advance, before the 2038 begins.
  4. Practice matters. (Btw what is the panel made of, and why there is no scratch on it?)
  5. An interesting fact. If dig a well right outside your home door, and cover it with a doormat, the caption "Wellcome" from a simple typo becomes a pun.
  6. A general notice. Despite the fact that most of American houses is made of plywood and office glue, they have several titanium plates, hidden in secret places of the wall. Standing behind them is safe, even when the wall is turned into a strainer with barrage of fire. Don't be lazy, find these plates in advance.
  7. No problem. The AI will generate another candidate instead. P.S. If all candidates were procedurally generated, the voters could just set on the "Auto-Elect" option, and stop bothering with it. P.P.S. Hard-coded ones are even more reliable, but some prefer config files.
  8. Banned for throwing Michael Ironside into a sea.
  9. Granted. Just like me, you appear in the 1977 USSR, where nobody knows about SW until ~1985, when they say that the SW movie is a sci-fi predecessor of SDI. That's how I knew about the SW. So, I wish you enjoy the Teens in the Universe + Moscow - Cassiopeia and The Big Space Travel, because Per Aspera Ad Astra, The Mystery of the Third Planet, and The Orion Loop aren't released yet.
  10. Floor 3432: You wake up, but forget that you are on the top of balloon, so you fall up and this is Floor 3432+.
  11. Squids are banned by Squad. They call them Krakens.
  12. Floor 3430: The hammer-shaped inflatable balloon from Apollo-15.
  13. Granted. You are R2D2. I wish Star Wars weren't that dull.
  14. At least much smaller than Texas. But in the other hand, they don't have Bruce Willis this time. And Liv Tyler is busy in the alternative reality with orbital baboon. *** 00:41 Boosters from Energy? Wait, it's a scaled Energy-2 but with four boosters and small Buran? 00:52 The nozzle has 5 rings. As I can see, RS-25 has 6, RD-0120 has 5. What engine is it? 00:54 The orbiter engines are off, like it should be for Buran, but shouldn't be for Shuttle. 00:55 Nosecones are Energy-like, not Shuttle. 00:56 Where are spacesuits and helmets? Why are the humans behind the midgirl (bossgirl ?) sitting in sideways acceleration position, perpendicularly to the orbiter axis? Why are the chairs short? Where is 4 g? Where is the surnames on the chest? It temporarily disappeared. Will the starboard or the port brigade loose their earphones from acceleration? What are they clicking at? 00:57 Bingo! Seven idiots have teh remains of their brains shaken out. That's why they should sit with face forward, and us the belts. 00:58 Where the robot lands, they save money on the panel pixel texture. The blondegirl is checking a vacuum parachute? 00:59 A typical pressurized door. 01:01 Small stones fly faster in vacuum. It's in their nature. 01:03 Gecco palms?! Thin fingers?! 01:05 Why spend money on the smoke trail particles? 01:09 A nice belt. Very strong. 01:13 Burning from vacuum friction? 01:15 Meteors in vacuum? 01:16 Normal gravity. No dust. Thin suits. FIlmed in a studio again. 01:17 The rover. It rides in Australia, why shouldn't on the Moon? The rockets. Streamlined to pass through the vacuum.
  15. It would be interesting to read a mythology of the sapient race from there, if one exists.
  16. 3425: BadS-ters ignition... 3... 2... 1... Hurt!
  17. Banned for loosing the fourth mast.
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