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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Idk what's ignorance. Is it something for ignition?
  2. Granted. sl, sl, sl. Now you have 3 sls to fly. I wish Starliner was again CST-100.
  3. Documenting its loss in the airline office. If there is a restaurant, are there workaurant or jobaurant?
  4. Floor 3458: The last step before the floor 3459.
  5. Granted. SRB makes you start working. I wish for a hidden Antarctic base.
  6. They weren't going to boil Laika. The last portion of food was poisoned. Laika just didn't survive enough long to eat it.
  7. Twitter... (The English wiki strangely lacks his brief biography.) https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Ардуэн,_Жан?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Hardouin
  8. Asgard. Btw, as Heimdall's dad is Odin, so it's probably who is Alisa dad is. This in turn, makes to recall that Heimdall had nine moms , so there is probably a plenty of other ingenious kids in Moscow. *** Just realized. The whole idea of Starlink is to launch tens of thousands of satd, and to hide several Vol-de-Musk horcruxes among them. Starship-and-Mars is the same. Also, think, why did he name his electric company Tesla? The ligtning towers are on the table, too.
  9. Neuralink. It's succeeded. Musk will be connecting directly to his brain via LAN, and nobody will criticize his ideas and advices. This guy is Musk's horcrux,
  10. What about piercing a wider bullet with a thinner bullet to make a tunnel in it?
  11. The first woman in space is awarded with the order of the first man in space.
  12. It's too quantitatively easy for them.
  13. +1 How do I even know that that Pentagon was existing, when I have never seen it myself, and only know about it from Fallout Brotherhood of Steel TV and internet.
  14. Banned for not having heard that I loudly said "New page!"
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kairan_Quazi Reincarnation exists. That's what happens when the soul of an engineer reincarnates in a kid body, and saves its adult memories and expertise. After skipping the school and passing the university exams, it returns back to work. P.S. Maybe, he remembers Gandhi, Kennedy, and other guys. Probably, he even watched the Apollo launches. Or even Laika. After all, we don't know, where he originates from in his previous life, when he became engineer.
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