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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Because B-52 is your strangelove. Will the lunar base cause lunacy?
  2. Now imagine what they use to control the whole sub, when they even don't tell here... (Understand me right, a sliding rule is still perfect in aviation.)
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R-16_(missile) Should be 3/2.4. (Because they are cosplaying the tech, so should follow the standards.)
  4. As safe, as the whole life in whole. Is there St. Elmo's fire in the Elm St.?
  5. Both. They even call them Smokers. If admit to the fact that the climate change is either absent, or uncontrollable, 100% of the climate scientists would be fired (not literally). 3% of daredevils is a normal marginal value in any community.
  6. They do perfectly predict the straight horizontal lines... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combinatorial_explosion Scientists are divided into two categories: those ones, who have admitted to the fact that their N-factor model has sunk in details and assumptions, and those ones, who haven't. (N → infinity)
  7. https://www.newsweek.com/us-nuclear-submarines-use-controllers-similar-missing-titanic-sub-1808231 If it's understood right, the US nuke submarines are equipped with same cheap controllers from XBox, like the Titan submersible. P.S. I believe, with Silent Hunter V as software.
  8. Iirc, the suffocation pain is caused by the carbonic acid, which is produced from carbon dioxide and water. So, everything raising CO2 should result into pain. P.S. The nerve impulse speed is 50..100 m/s. 0.01 s = 50 .. 100 cm. Brain size ~ 15 cm.
  9. https://pikabu-ru.translate.goog/story/pro_yekologiyu_i_globalnoe_poteplenie_tsugtsvang_chelovechestva_10374357?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp ("seals" is google's typo for "cats" In Russian, "kotik" = "seal" and "cutie cat")
  10. Everything bad happned in SW was to change the matter of reality and make Han lucky.
  11. Thinking that the crystal sky dome is not the bottom of our ocean in a continuuum loop is cheating.
  12. 9/10 Specimen is plural for speciman. Illiteracy is human's. I can mix absolutely different words.
  13. Schroedinger's cat in a box. Azura (TES) Hydros The Lurker (Ultima VIII) How do the cats get the carton boxes in wild nature?
  14. A documentary crossover-sequel of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul: Two guys make meth, and a lawyer is bailing them out when caught.
  15. Lovecraft was the only representative of the realism literature. Other writers are just comedians. P.S. Shakespeare was a comedian, who was accepting this fact.
  16. Iirc, SOSUS is to detect subs before they surface and launch SLBM, and launch the anti-subs in advance, i.e. they should know everything in real time at exact place.
  17. Banned for accusing the innocents in others' deeds.
  18. Banned by Zuul for calling him continuously. Upd. Not you, the previous one. While you are banned for ninjaing.
  19. Based on the personalities, I'm not.
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