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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. I wish to access the past to establish an advanced transtemporal personal timeline.
  2. I wish for the superpower of making time loops.
  3. They randomly oscillate near their quantized orbits, predicted by the Titius-Bode law (i.e. a discrete exponential distribution), under various perturbations. (The Neptune is a particular exception, which probably should be taken into account together with the Kuiper Belt, with Pluto as a placeholder.) They are as stable, as the electron orbits are. I.e. sometimes are, sometimes not are.
  4. Banned for requiring the leaders of cheer.
  5. The cats call the Moon "Meown".
  6. Banned for howling at the Moon.
  7. A new HTVL TSTO flight test. The winged first stage has separated and is on the return way. The second stage is rising to LEO, using a parachute for attitude control.
  8. Banned for improper tool usage.
  9. Auxilliary Coon. A companion cat for the Main Coon.
  10. Some should hurry up with the plot, as the Holy Wood plot writers strike will eventually end. It's our chance to watch a sci-fi series about the world of future with antimatter Orion drives and water boilers heated with nuclear explosions, where the aliens and their slave companions visit the Earth.
  11. I wrote MMH as metastable metallic hydrogen, because the thread was about the hydrogen storage.
  12. Banned for naming Orion that cramped capsule instead of the nuclear propulsion vessel.
  13. A kiss is an unconscious concealed rudimentary act of cannibalism, coming from the Cambrian Period. The part of brain, ancested from the echinoderms, is trying to suck inside the object of interest and swallow it. Just the object is big, and belongs to your own species. There is no other reason, why the temporary bubble of vacuum is connected to the expression of sympathy.
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