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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Granted. Somebody knocks at your door... I wish for a stable Cs sphere.
  2. Probably, it was already asked here, but I can't see. Did they set this on?
  3. Granted. The Great Flood: The time when the mantis shrimps were everywhere. I wish for ice mantis shrimps in the Antarctic glaciers.
  4. Floor 3345: A caption "This is the 3rd level of the Floor 3345".
  5. Banned for not using Orion/CST-100 as a ceiling fan.
  6. This explains why the Moon is much larger at the horizon, especially in tropics. Size and distance stay same. The Pi value varies.
  7. AI-generated dogs video. Neural Oneiral network? Caution: do not watch before bed. https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMqEG32UslU
  8. wikia adds additional info in the URL, after the file extension, like https://........picture.jpg:blah-blah-resolution-etc If remove that additional part, the picture is pictured in the KSP post. Though, I've noticed that while previously a large picture was opened on click from the KSP post, now a thumbnail gets opened. Though 2: Maybe that's for some images, not for every one.
  9. Your band is ban'd, and sits on sand. That's what I'm able to understand.
  10. The empirical engineering is whispering to us, that if the ground is deformed, the pad should be lifted at least by this depth value up, but better enough high to stop deforming the ground. That's how the exhaust trenches were invented. The engineers were tired by cleaning the mud from their faces.
  11. Now it does. The exhaust has dug it. Now it doesn't. They have filled it with concrete.
  12. Banned for being happy for not knowing them.
  13. Banned for reversing SITA into ATIS and ignoring SITATEX.
  14. Granted. Two are in the cargo cabin. I wish for Boeing 70707.
  15. It's a NOTAM teleprinter message about the aircraft departure, its geometry like wingspan, speen in knots, and even birds. But it's too banning to decode it in details.
  16. Banned for casting spells with strange words.
  17. Upd. The beer flows this way: 1. Four men pour it inside through the four 20 cm narrow holes of the "King's Chamber" star shafts". 2. It fills the "King's Chamber" up to 1 m height and flows through the tunnels. The small hole to the left is the "star shaft", from where the beer flows into, the tunnel to the right is the tunnel through which the beer flows out of the chamber, into other part of the pyrbeeramid. 3. The beer comes into the "Pre-Chamber", used to compensate the level instability. Then it flows into the "Grand Gallery." As you can see, it's tilted and has no steps. But it has a trough in the middle, matching the 1 meter high corridor from wjere it flows. There is also a "Grand Step", which requires climbing from below, but makes a nice waterbeerfall from above. 4. The beer reaches the "Queen's Chamber" and fills it up. At the same time the beer level is raising in the "Queen's Chamber" "star shafts". 5. Once the beer starts flowing out from the outer ends of these shafts, the people outside see that the beer has reached the level of the "King's Chamber" ceiling, and everything they pour in, starts flowing out. So, they stop pouring the beer, because the pyramid is full. All its chambers are full, corridors are full, "star shafts" are full. 7. The pharaoh in his fishtank is soaked with beer to, he is happy, and everything is ok. *** Originally there was just the underground part, with a "Grotto" on top, and the "Toilet" below. That's why it's a formerly isolated underground hydrostatic system/ When the pyramid was built, they dug a curved tunnel and connected both hydrostatic system to turn them in a single one. *** Also this theory explains the stupid unhuman tilted corridors, which have nothing common with any temple architecture (usually absolutely pragmatic). They aren't corridors, they are beer troughs. Nobody (but the pharaoh) should walk there after building, and after such amount of beer anyone (including the pharaoh) would anyway crawl on his four, so the 1 m high tunnels are enough.
  18. A dozenhundred / hundredozen ban.
  19. In 1950s..1970s the air collection was a popular idea for SSTO spaceplanes. On launch the plane has full fuel tanks (hydrogen and maybe kerosene for turbojets. Though, some turbojets can use hydrogen, too. The oxygen tanks are empty. The hydrogen is used as both fuel and coolant. On takeoff the turbojets accelerate the plane up to scramjet ignition speed, using fuel and air. Then it switches to scramjets which keep accelerating the plane. They consume hydrogen and external air. At the same time, some part of the air from the scoops is redirected into turboexpander, gets liquified, and fills the oxygen tanks. Once the plane had reached ~25 km altitude and ~2 (?) km/s speed, and its oxytanks are full, it closes the are intakes, and starts feeding the scramjet engines with oxygen from tanks. In such manner it reaches the LEO and either starts cruising to an orbital station, or releases the cargo and lets it go on its own, then returns. The advantage is that the propellant component ratio is 8 LOx : 1 LH, so by keeping the oxytanks empty on start, you decrease the launch mass by several times. The plane mass is first decreasing due to spent fuel, but then starts growing due to collected oxygen. Thus, you can use smaller wings (because on launch they carry a lighter plane, while at high speed you don't need big wings). The main problem was the mass of liquifying equipment and complexity in whole.
  20. Btw, a funny fact. As we know, the Khufu / Jefe pyramid has narrow so-called "star shafts" from both upper ("King's") and middle ("Queen's") chambers, right at the top of the passage and on other walls. And according to the scheme, the top ends of the shafts from the middle ("Queen's") chamber end at the altitude of the ceiling of upper ("King's") chamber. (If continue them to the outer walls. It's currently unknown if they reach the surface, because there is some mini-chamber or valve there.) So, if pour water from the "King's" vent shafts inside, it will stop at the same level of the "King's" ceiling and the "Queen's" vent shafts. *** We also have the underground chamber (pharaoh's toilet? they would need one living in the pyramid) with a 3 meter deep well (a pharaoh's cesspool?) and the so-called "Grotto" in the middle (a small chamber, formerly a small building on the top of the rocky basemenet of the pyramid, later covered by the pyramid body). And there is a curvy and ugly vertical passage from the Toilet to the Grotto and then to the Queen's corridor. If we pour water, it will fill the pyramid from bottom, and the grotto passages let the air get out without air bubbles. *** Thus, we may conclude that all the astronomy/schmastronomy is absolutely not a thing here, and the whole pyramid is a hydrostatic system (consisting of two separated but later connected subsystem, "underground" and "pyramid"), and its sole idea is in pouring water beer through the upper "star shafts" to make pharaoh feel good. The underground chamber is to let pharaoh keep feeling good after consuming the beer. *** We should notice also, that the stupid tilted passages are perfect channels for liquid, matching the size of the meter-sized corridors. And the lower ends of the "star / vent" shafts are exactly at the top of the narrow passges, to let the beer flow without whirls. *** It's not a pyramid. It's a beeramid.
  21. Banned for choking the Beavers.
  22. Granted. It's decoded and appears to be empty string. I wish to know, why these weeks did I recall a lot of nightdreams and memories forgotten long ago. I even didn't touch that red button. (Oops. Right now I've recalled the red button "Cx" from my first programming calculator.)
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