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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Yes, because only intelligent life can make absinthe and see the green stars.
  2. It's warm, so to the moment it's probably already occupied by a growing hill of life forms. Years later it will become an atoll. Years more later the water will corrode the hull, get inside, moderate the neutrons, and we shall see the first radioactive volcano. *** Oops,.. Did it begin?
  3. Depends on what you call "astronomy". The moon counting is trivial. The Sun and Polaris "navigation" is trivial. Making a star map on a stone (or a bone) has nothing to do about astronomy, it's a trivial sympathetic magic. Like shaman's drum represents the Earth like an Earth voodoo doll, the star map is his pocket voodoo sky to call the star spirits. If he wants astronomy, he just looks up at the real stars, he doesn't need to make a map. If he wants to walk between the stars, he just makes a star map on ground. (Like various ancient buildings are presumedly placed.) From what? Does anyone measure the time with stone clocks? Or a shadow direction with gnomon? That's a fun of an agricultural settlement, not of the hunters-gatherers. In the best case they know about the solstices, but there is no practical use for them even in an agricultural village, as one is in begin of summer, another one in begin of winter, and thus none of them mark anything meaningful or can be used for any practical purpose, only for rituals. When the snow falls, all you can do is waiting for spring and periodically having trips to the forest, so the moon number is absolutely useless. You may have a look at old Roman calendar, old Ancient Egyptian calendar, and even some of the main South American calendars, All of them have a year of ~240 days, i.e. the warm season. Nobody cares about winter, it's even excluded from the month counting. Also you can see additional 13th months in Ancient Roman and Ancient Hebrew, and Babylonian calendars. More of that, they are inserted not due to the math reasons, but (quoting from memory) "the lambs are too young, and the crop yet not raised enough, so in this year we decided to add a second month of this name." Nobody cares about the moon counting in the agricultural society, even the months have different length (from 16 to 40 days in the old Roman calendar). Nobody cares about the moons except for measuring long time periods in a hunter-gatherer society. They use direct observations. In the best case, they can move from one place to another when the Sky Centipede's head gets invisible. The astronomy gets needed when you have to plan your activities, so, when you see the Pleiades in the morning, it's a time to prepare your tools and seeds, because two or three weeks later you should start your next agricultural campaign, You can use lunar months only if you herd cattle in a semi-desert, without seasons. Then you don't care a lot about the solar year, and the practice of leap years with 13 months seems weird for you, thus Islamic calendar has fixed 12 lunar months and doesn't match the solar year even close. *** The deer and other big animals mate in late autumn, spawn in later spring. They tend to be pregnant in winter. In winter the last thing the hunter/gatherer/peasant cares of, is their latency time. He cares only about survival till spring. It plays absolutely no role for him, how long the deer is busy. He sees it - he kills it. Also there are various edible animals: deer, bison, horse, mammoth, rhino, and others. Should they log each of them? We know the modern people have them. Why do we still have exams, trials, and diploma? All people are same smart, aren't they? Do you have a diploma? Why? Doesn't the fact, that somebody somewhere in the world is clever and educated, prove that everyone is? Or you had to prove that you are same smart as "10%" of people, rather than other "90%"? Or maybe not "10%", but "1%", or "0.1%" ? Many people have same brain but either haven't read a book in their life, or don't have where to apply their cleverness, Say, because they live in a village, where activities are simple, life is simple, and being too clever is very unhealthy, because others suspect you in cheating, or just hate from jealousy. (And they are statistically right, because the rural life is simple, the work is simple, and too smart co-villager will definnitely try to take more than others, usually from the others.) So, a declaration that "those people were as smart as we are" is just an Equestrian tale. You may have a trip to any country where plain and sinple people live (for political correctness let's avoid listing them, even if most of them are covered with jungles and sometimes surrounded by ocean), or watch the crimes and (word filter) unwilling mating statistics, and ensure that even when they are enough smart, their smartness is often not expressed in astronomy, but instead has a very practical nature. Some of them are hunters-gatherers, too. *** The astronomy was not a thing even in the Ancient Greek times, until they started running across the whole Mediterranean Sea. They were happily hopping from island to island and following the coastline, spending night on ground. It was much more important to visually know the coast and the currencies, and windy periods. Even without a magnetic compass. The Ancient Egyptians didn't even know the islands. The Phoenicians had trivial initial knowledge of star navigation, and thus were almost sea gods. The eclipse period was counted as two years for millenia, and only in late Ancient Greece they discovered the 19-year cycle. (Romans didn't carer and used 2 years). The astronomic navigation got actual in ocean, when no visual details are available for weeks and months. So, not big progress in astronomy from mammoths till Athenes. Yes, and the marks can mean absolutely anything. Including some children game or shaman beads.
  4. Granted. You click the button, and the heatshield gets jettisonned and deflated. I wish for bigger Orion drives.
  5. Calling 911 because they are shooting fireworks outdoors.
  6. Banned for thinking that this thread is for laughing.
  7. Idk, but the coal gas was being used many years for balloon festivals (and originally for street lamps), and I never heard about street or sky cannonades. Probably, it's relatively safe.
  8. So, the root of evil is in the human evolution. Humans should have six fingers per hand. Btw, about post-human civilisation. Humans should be genetically modified. Two thumbs and four others. Thus you can use both duodecimal and octal systems. Also it's useful to have additional buttons on mice and switches on rifles. *** A calendar-related question. What are proper English terms for idle days? Are they holidays? 1. Saturday / Sunday - a "holiday" or what? 2. Xmas or another such day of a year - a "holiday" or what? 3., An unexpected/planned day when you are free of work and stay at home - a "holiday" or what?
  9. Yes, and they happily do this without logging. Except this lonely primordial nerd. Also, they don't need an accurate value for three simple reasons: 1. They hunt what they meet, so they don't need high precision. It doesn't matter if the deer pregnant for seven months or nine. 2. They don't have the months. They have moons. And the animals reproduce on solar calendar. A solar year doesn't match integer value of lunar month. So, any counting will meet the classic problem of calendar makers. 3. They don't have calendar to look, if it's April, 15th. Even stars are useless before they start agriculturing. They follow a simple sequence of observable events, like "apple trees are flowering so...", "cranes are flying, so...". So, they just don't need these details. They just know that "when the hill is yellow , the deer start mating", "when we gather red berries, the deer start giving birth". In cold climate, it's especially since the big animals tend to mate in autumn, give birth in late spring. So, all this time the tribe is sitting in a cave and eating what they prepared in autumn. So, it's more possible that the mark at the deer picture mean "seven days passed, we ate the next frozen deer" or "seven months passed, we are out of food, but it's warm and we start gathering something to eat".. I mean all animal paintings, not exactly these one. For tens kiloyears people were painting, one nerd left some marks, nobody had a clear explanation what are they for because they are so short that can mean whatever you want. But of course, the ancient people first time expressed an interest in the ecology. Paintings or "month" marks? Did they need a few hundred years to notice that eight moons pass between the yellow hill and deer mating and the red berries and deer birth??? They are very observant both for hunters and for scientists... If someone would worry about the moons, he would need one year to count and several more to ensure. Also trying to imagine a village where several generations are trying to do something that useless for centuries. Especially when the only study conclusion can be: "Well, so the deer need eight months. So, what? Didn't you know when do we start hunting? Or should we hunt them at another time? No? Then why were you doing that, are you a fool? PEOPLE!!! Look! We now call this fool Moon Counter! Be careful with him, who knows what else can cause his stupid head!" Next winter everyone's fun will be asking him daily, how many days it's left to the hunting and if can he call the deer to come now. And every hunting other hunters would show him at a deer and then slapping their backs telling to watch and count. Only very silly person would start in a village some studies which can't bring a profit. It's just a declaration. Nobody knows how smart they were, and who are "we"? A university "we", or persons who failed the school "we". The hunting-gathering is not a rocket science, you can get a lot of people in the nearest prison to be enough smart for hunting and gathering. And a village is not much better for a nerd, it the best case he will be a popular clown. Also, they hunt in groups led by an elderman. So, you need just several smart people for the whole tribe. See Australia as a former prison, and any other land of pioneers. The new lands were not colonized by academicians, and being too much clever in a village is harmful to health. # metoo. Google appeared when I was 30+. Exactly because of that, they didn't need any marks. The deer were their main food, they knew about the deer everything they needed to know.
  10. The battery can be charged with electricity of the kind which was mating. The whole still-alas-modern telegony is based on it. The biblical example accurately illustrates the principle. "If recharge the sheep batteries with white rams, the lambs born white. If do that together with black rams, the lambs born colorful.. If do that with colored sticks before the sheep eyes, the principle remains.", that's what happened in that story. "Don't let a pregnant woman see ugly things, or the baby may born ugly", and other such traditions. Because they understand the birth energy as a sum of energies consumed by the fertile female. Also this means that if a non-human "energy" had been used (Zeus' in case of his girlfriends and their sons (partially affecting younger semigod's brothers), or bull's in case of Pasiphae), the result may be viable but anomalous (a semigod or a teriomorphous monster), but absolutely not unexpected or impossible. Of course, in the archaic picture of the world. Also, the archaic people easily can accept that a hero or a monster may have several fathers (say, a god and a king), as the god's "mating energy" enforces and overrides the human one. So, Heracles is also the king's son. What the archaic people often don't see, is the discrete character of a connection between that exact mating act and that exact birth. They see the birth as a female function from all or some mating acts of the preceding period, and other kinds of events, like seen images. The antiscientific telegony theory follows this tradition. This also makes strange the idea that a hunter could even care about pregnancy duration of wild species before he became a cattleman and started observing exact animals in controlled environment. It would be interesting to look at the paleolythic hunter familiar with that exact female deer for eight months instead of killing it. Especially since the deer excellently know what is a human and try to hide from this monster. See also the example of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draupadi Her polyandria with several semigods was okay for them. P.S. Now compare this to the practice of most of all ancient and some modern peoples to treat a forcedly mated girl/woman as a harlot and a shame of family, even if she wasn't be able to defend. Think about this in their paradygm, if they believe that once being mated by a god, he will be bringing blessed children, while being mated by an enemy or a bad people, she will bring corrupted ones. So, they treat it as a corrupted sheep in the herd, and follow this vision, even if it looks weird for modern people.
  11. Soviet / Russian aviation uses metric units, except on the bought/rented planes. Only meters and kilometers. And these containers have different actual sizes, so '40 foot (feet) ' is just a callname based on their historically adopted normative length. It's first of all decimal, i.e. uses same numeric base for all units, not "12 hyrs = 37 chpunks = 11 3/4 tsiflings" While the "Imperial" is exactly the latter. Say, in Russia, a vodka bottle is 500 ml (champagne 750 ml), a glass is 200 ml (sometimes 180), spoons are from 5 ml (tea spoon) to 20 ml (soup spoon), etc. And nobody even in nightmare would deal with pints and quarts. So, measuring powders as liquids doesn't depend on units. Not necessary. They can be dry or wet, have various grain size and density, so unless you bake a whole lot of bread in a bakery, it's as good and more simple to measure their volume. So, the home recipes say "take 50 g of butter, a glass of flour, salt on the knife point". A half-kilo of meat. Only nerds can quickly say, what is "pound", 453.6 g. Others operate with grams/kilograms. Nobody would weight a pound for you, take 500 g and feel free to cut off 46.4 g at home. What's the "pound"? 750 g of meat, or even 700 g, but the salesman would look at you as at a strange cheapskate and ask "Maybe a kilo?". Everyone would think "Poor thing, he counts every kopeck." If you ask for 675 g everyone in the foodstore will be sure that you are trolling the salesman, and you have a chance to know a lot of info about yourself. Because your kitchen stuff is in wrong, obsolete numbers. Buy the normal, metric one, and you will be squirming when a recipe is in pounds. It was so in early XX. And even more, every country had its own pounds. Say, the Russian pound was 409 g. Everyone (well, except several post-British states) turned to SI. What about USD consisting of 20 shillings, each of 12 pence? And 1 guinea = 21 shilling. THAT is Imperial, not those rebels' "100 cents".
  12. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Светильный_газ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal_gas A polluted 80% hydrogen. The "black hydrogen", lol.
  13. Time is divided in circles, as well as angles. So, while counting things and money is arbitrary, the dial must be able to be divided in as much integer parts as possible. Thus, 12/24/60/360 is absolutely natural for the time and angles. (I presume, the °F scale was originally based on some arrow rotating from up to down, so it's 180-based.) Though, I believe it would be better to use 6/12-base numeric system rather than 10, with 72 or 144 cm in 1 m. P.S. Why do the Imperials not rename "foot" into "boot"? 30.48 cm, seriously? Of the shortest NBA players? 30.48 is a boot size. From memory, "Take sixteen men, short and tall ones, when they, say, are getting out from the church, take their boots and put in a raw. Measure the raw with a rope, and use one sixteenth of it as a 'foot'."
  14. A brilliant sample of pulling by ears the modern ecogreen agenda to random things, probably to pull money to the study. A sympathetic scientific magic. 1. These pictures were being painted for tens thousands of years. Why aren't they covered with myriads of marks, if these marks are something more than someone's personal notes? 2. Were they following every deer mating-pregnancy cycle? Or they were stalking for a year a particular deer, watching its belly, and making notes? How many familiar deer do they have in the forest, when they hunt daily, to feed a hundred of people? 3. Where are the folk stories like "six long months was brave Strong Arm following the White Spot On Left Shoulder deer, because he knew from the elders that he should hunt it on the eighth month" ? 4. What makes to think that "Y" marks a "giving birth" event, rather than "our shift in the schedule", "this time we hunted well", "this time we move to the south camp", "look, I can count by eights!", "wife has her special days; please, good forest spirits, give me the strength to survive this again!" ? 5. How many modern hunters have fertility diaries of the deer in the forest? 6. As it's known, the pre-modern people often even don't see a clear connection between mating and births. They mostly understand the sex as a woman's birth-making battery recharging or so.
  15. Who needs those orbits?! The real value is rather obvious.
  16. Idk, it was a hot discussion in the KSP-2 suggestions thread, that two Kerbal models is not enough. Also the obviously smaller and tilted female figure looks stereotypically sexist. They should send an updated Pioneer, to prevent the aliens from being misled.
  17. A pint of beer may differ from a pint of whiskey, because any bartender knows that moar foam makes it look nicer, while weighting less. Also slapping the mug bottom sometimes helps to save the resource.
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