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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Of course, they didn't mention the Aelita project with MK-700 which had nothing to do with N1. http://www.astronautix.com/m/mk-700.html
  2. India’s Population Has Already Overtaken China’s, Analysts Estimate https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-18/india-s-population-overtakes-china-to-become-world-s-biggest-analysts-estimate?srnd=premium-europe
  3. Make a monoatomic bomb consisting of one atom of uranium. Are there seals on Sedna?
  4. If the Anglosphere is so fond of dozens, then why do the English numerals end with "-teen" and "-ty", rather than "-dzen" and "-dzy" ? Or at least "dzen" → "tzen". eleven, twelve, onetzen, twotzen, thretzen, ..., eleventzen, twotzy, twotzy one, ..., twotzy eleven, ... Eleventzy eleven = 143
  5. 4 Li + O2 → 2 Li2O Li2O + H2O → 2 LiOH 2 LiOH + CO2 → Li2CO3 + H2O Li2CO3 + Al2O3 → 2 LiAlO3 + CO2 France, Grand Couronne, Li batteries (20 000 m2) + tyres (6 000 m2) edge-upvideo.rbc.ru/archive/2023/01/17/__mp4/576p.mp4
  6. Put colored LEDs on it to help the future movie makers. How to help Queen Gedren defeat that stupid Sonja and her dude?
  7. Granted. Now you need an infinite hand. I wish Skynet was playing KSP.
  8. Granted. You have gotten the "eidetic" memory but only to realise that it's named so for its real owner, Eidolon, the Third of the Serpent Riders. I wish to play Witch Haven I & II again.
  9. Banned for make the thread unlaughed.
  10. Granted. You are in the Marvel universe. I wish for right prepositions.
  11. Neighbourger A hamburger cooked out of the neighbouring tribe.
  12. I'm rich with ideas but still want moar. What are the "eleven" and "twelve" Roman digits?
  13. Floor 3283: A halfling from Huffling-Puffling.
  14. It's Ana, sir. We ban her, but she returns. We call her BanAna. Waiter! Why this snack is a stack?
  15. Having -ch- at both ends of the word is cheating.
  16. Granted. You inhale a helium cupcake. I wish for inert fluorine.
  17. Granted. You have a deer sled and a big bag of beans. I wish moose were elks.
  18. Granted. They start putting wester, norther, and souther eggs. I wish there was a chicken hatched from the easter egg at least once.
  19. Granted. You have a crystal star. I wish the free account I have allowed > 2 GB/month.
  20. https://www.interfax.ru/world/880764 Cosmonaut Andrei Fediayev has completed his training course at the SpaceX base in California. Together with three other crewpersons of Crew-6, they'll move to the Texas base for the ISS training course. Their launch is planned on Feb, 15, launch platform 393/4A.
  21. Mount&Blade + ChatGPT (took from https://pikabu.ru/story/modder_vnedril_neyroset_chatgpt_v_mount_amp_blade_ii_bannerlord_9847570)
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