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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Maybe both were following the field margin. (As the fighter was starting to turn left right before the collision)
  2. A 4Dclysme. KSP tesseract-shaped buildings.
  3. Granted. There is a subway from one runway end to another. I wish for railways in KSP.
  4. When you have a ten of these rubbered steel balls in your table and don't know what to use them for.
  5. M - Materials. delta-phase plutonium-239-gallium alloy (inner sparkplug layer) + its plutonium-240/241 and americium parasite impurities uranium-233 deuteride (outer sparkplug layer) + its uranium-232 parasite impurities highly-enriched uranium-235 (tamper/pusher) reactor-grade uranium-238/235 (radiation case liner) deuterized polyethylene (sparkplug laying and shock barrier) metal tritide-deuteride (DT-boosting and neutron tube) cesium (neutron source, maybe) germanium-impregnated FOGBANK plastic/"aerogel" (radiation channel filler) beryllium (pusher/reflector) lithium-6 deuteride (fusion fuel, but probably already tested before, cuz just salt) tungsten, titanium, stainless steel - in assortment, just as a part of the assembly in whole carbon fiber, silicon carbide (cuz spysat film capsules didn't need it for heatshield) hafnium carbide, tantalum carbide (as an improvement of the previous item) nickel, copper, gold, rhenium (liners, plutonium insulation, tamper admixture) PBX-blah-blah-digits super-fine safe explosive (implosive sphere and initiation layer) Probably, missed something. In the assembly the materials are shielding each other, so it's not enough to just expose the plates. And there are no evil Russkies with radiation detectors onboard. For everything other there is ISS.
  6. It's molecular, and ~3 km/s fast. So, it's a quickly expanding gas (and probably microdust) cloud, retrogradely decelerated down to 5..6 km/s, so falling back to the Earth. P.S. Interesting fact. If get burned enough much aluminium-fueled rockets, the exhaust self-gravity can form an aluminium planetary system.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALICE_(propellant) or LOx Actually, aluminium powder IS the Shuttle/SLS SRB main fuel, but together with solid oxidizer. P.S. Several (five? six?) years ago here was a hot discussion about the Al+LOx pair as a perspective ISRU fuel for the Moon. (I even imagined whole mountain ridges of alumina along the rocket paths.)
  8. Exactly 2.5 years = 30 months. A round number again. They are exposing something. And definitely not metal plates.
  9. Airdropped missile launcher.
  10. Aluminium fuel rockets. KSPI-E has this. Also alcali metals powders have been tried as an admixture to the hypergolics. Legends say, the results weren't good, but who knows what actually was there.
  11. The previous poster is [DELETED] for further security procedures.
  12. Granted. The Medical association sends a killer for you. I wish for an electrino particle.
  13. The soup is a message itself. Waiter! What's the dinee of this diner?
  14. Granted. Here is a shovel, start digging it out. I wish the Baalbek Stones had become a spaceport again.
  15. Yes. Souped irgots from Platinium Swamp are a famous Argonian dish. Diner! I want to dine!
  16. A piece of a stone statue with omega letter written on it, found near Troy.
  17. To cut off and freeze the head of Johnny Mnemonic is a known IT cheat. Just usually they do it to the malfuctioning HDD to read once its data.
  18. When you treat the archaic retro-looking computer displays and TV-sets as very realistic, because you understand that actually the characters are equipped with neurointerfaces and contact lenses, while these bulky pieces of art-decor are exactly a part of their retro-stylized decor.
  19. I love them both, but for the sake of greater truth, Trivia is Hecate, not Persephone. https://romanpagan.wordpress.com/trivia-hecate/
  20. CMOS/BIOS of PC needed to be manually switched on a half of computers. Also several very old ones (of two hundred) had to be dismissed. (I.e. to be used for anything but relevant dates.)
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