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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. A reality private show. (They need.) Challenges. Kinda "lick the handle in the frost", but "Stick out the hand for three seconds".
  2. biodiversity == low productivity (Unless you treat pines and apples as pineapples.)
  3. Constable Stable (cousin of Captain Obvious)
  4. Breach Beach Makes breaches in the beaches. Walking at the KSC coastline, your Kerbals are risking to fall through the breaches between the beach part colliders.
  5. Otherwise it would be strange, if X-37 had tested the long-term exposure of "materials", but there is no heavy miltary SRB rocket to deliver the peaceful "material" stations to orbit. Oops, sorry, forgot 'bout the Moon. Reading of the KSP forum has ensured me that the puny expensive SLS is for anything but the Moon.
  6. Another reason to conquer Mars and/or to launch the air scoops to the Venus. They have pure CO2. Or grow the grape right there and deliver the drinks already bottled.
  7. When you are not from Japan, but don't need subtitles in anime.
  8. Mysterious Air Planes Several planes appear in air. You don't understand what caused it, an how to fix it to make them hide.
  9. The famous KSP classics, Planetes. The zero-g combat has similarity with the underwater one. A reactionless medium and superviscous one. That's why they train in a training pool, to improve their space combat skills.
  10. Then saving and herding GMO whales milking oil - whoils. So instead of whalers, there will be whoilers. They will be catching the whoils and milking them, and the legends will tell about a mystic giant White Whoil Mobil Dick who gave a whole cistern from every milking.
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