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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Fossiles Fissile fossils many years later.
  2. If it didn't, it would face 30 g instead of 7. It was gliding in a re-entry corridor. Gliding is not necessary a skip-reentry. To the moment it's a single re-entry. *** The intrigue is: will they test a normally controlled re-entry, or a non-controlled emergency case.
  3. A realism feature life cycle. 1. Player A: "Can we please add a realism feature! The gameplay would not lack realism." The game devs proponents: "You don't need this feature, the excessive realism is too bad for gameplay. Play with calculator if you need realism." 2. (Devs: silently have added the feature). 3. Player B: "Can we please remove the feature? The excessive realism is too bad for gameplay." The game devs proponents: "You need this feature, the gameplay would lack realism. Play with dolls if you can't into the true realism." 4. (Devs: silently make the feature option switchable). 5. Player A: "Can we please set it by default on? We forget switching it." Player B: "Can we please set it by default off? We forget switching it." The game devs proponents: "The developers set it right. Play with your lamp switch if you want it work in your personal way." 6. (Devs: silently switch the default option). 7. Player A & B: "Why did they switch the default setting of the feature? We forget switching it." The game devs proponents: "The developers set it right. Play with your lamp switch if you want it work in your personal way." 8 Others: eating the local equivalent of popcorn.
  4. OpenOffice is banned for the sake of Libre Office.
  5. Twenty new emotions for the KSP2 Kerbals are added. (actually, not)
  6. It isn't. You put a look on it, and it disappears under its weight. (Saying "boo!" makes same effect.) P.S. Historically in late XX it was a hope that if compress some amount of cold hydrogen very-very much under enormous-enormous pressure, a piece of it will stay metallic (and thus dense) even under just-enormous pressure. This would allow to use such hydrogen icicle as an effective particle source to induce more effective fission or even pure fusion reactions, to use it in weapons or maybe later even in nuclear reactors engines. But no further successful studies are known. Either because the idea failed, or vice versa because it succeeded so much that those who know better are either silent, or ever-silent.
  7. As one of conspiracy theories told that Lunokhod was driven by a suicidal midget spaceman sitting inside, we should not ignore the possibility that Voyagers are also based on the midget-in-the-middle scheme. Somehow the idea of Kerbals flying in Mk1 for decades has appeared from somewhere... This would also explain, how did they update the software, point the antenna, and so on, for decades, with technologies of early 1970s.
  8. Electrons! You are ightweight! Your are sqrt(940/0.5) ~= forty times faster than those bulky ions! Escape and be free! Let them ions be a dull cloud of pure positiveness.
  9. Sr. Worn-out Jr.
  10. Who had even read those books before they made the games after the Netflix ecranization?
  11. A saganscope should be able to find and observe the planets with nuclear winter, so it should have rather sensitive IR channel.
  12. Starship has hopped with six (or three?) engines of 30 required. It hasn't even proven that it can ignite them at once and not explode. The altitude means nothing. R-5 was flying higher than Starship.
  13. 1899 The moment when the heroine (spoiler) Conservation laws! Where are you? Both momentum and kinetic energy should release somehow to stay constant.
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