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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Afair, the Japanese use ginger to reset the taste between the foods. The cats just use their tongue to lick the nose for that. It stays unclear, how do the Japanese catgirls solve this dilemma.
  2. And btw, KSP is written in C#, the language and platform (.Net) with memory garbage collection, which means it overloads the memory with unused chunks of obsolete data, periodically flushing them.
  3. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/04/politics/spacex-ukraine-elon-musk-starlink-internet-outage/index.html
  4. Why do they call the projectile "missile"? Do they believe it will miss, and get surprised when it hits?
  5. Miss Missile was missing and missed.
  6. I'm not a Fallout or Skyrim expert, but being familiar too much with them, it blocks every my attempt to dive into any other game of that genre. The previous such game was Duke Nukem 3d (DOS/4GW). Only Duke Nukem and Fallout have been a recurring plot in my nightdreams with high detalization. (Happily, I've never been a meter-high green humanoid in permannt spacesuit.)
  7. Banned because I'm not Boney M. to have the ribbons.
  8. Trident C4 wannabe ballistic missile
  9. Due to the centrifugal forces, the continental platforms will gather at the equator into a single supercontinental landmass (like Pangaea). Unlike the terrestrial supercontinents of the past, this equatorial supercontinent will be held together by the centrifugal forces, so unlikely it will be able to split and redistribute uniformly around the planet. This landmass will be blocking the warm equatorial ocean currents. It will be large, so the average distance from the coastline will be great, and the climate of its most part will be continental, with very cold winters and droughts. Actually it will be mostly a frozen desert, with warmer areas at the coastline. The ocean and the seas will be shallow, the new landmasses will be attracted to it, the ocean bottom will be young. The circumpolar air currencies will be existing, as their existence doesn't depend on the landmass, it's an air mechanics. Due to the climate and to the limited area of habitable zone, the evolution will run slowly, the life conditions wil be bad, so unlikely sapient lifeforms will have enough time to appear before the geological processes get finished. Bad, bad rotating planet.
  10. https://avi-loeb.medium.com/discovery-of-a-second-interstellar-meteor-meter-size-interstellar-objects-are-much-tougher-than-5b280fabaa6d Just another interstellar meteorite.
  11. It would be instead. *** I have seen some code in PERL. It was too much to know about it, the nightmares don't leave me even now.
  12. When you can distinguish ANSI from ASCII.
  13. You should buy Conics Comics. Why did the dinokiller not affect the plastic dinos?
  14. Because oneteens and twoteens are too young to register an account.
  15. What a good excuse for someone's fail-up. "The flight is delayed to let the Chinese rocket pass by."
  16. A piece of old junkfood, a muddy pool of water, and a pet with fleas provide an inquisitive naturalist with a lot of advanced samples for free. Also, fiber structures like hair, fur, steel needle do. And the flower inner parts.
  17. Oops, I was sure it doesn't, and that's why the wind blows.
  18. I wish it was written in a proper language like C++. See Minetest *** Python. Even the wiki article was too much to know about it.
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