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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Yes. At least a half of Titanic passengers are still smiling. Why do they plug a guitar to the outlet? Do they believe that the electric hit is the only way to make the musician play hits?
  2. Banned for making a confusion. Whose are the powers? Mike's or Austin's? Banned for using biological discomfort as an excuse for negligince.
  3. As I heard several days ago, Arthur Clarke was a part of the Project Orion community, was fond of it, and originally was planning the 2001: Odyssey's Discovery to be an orion. See also https://www.spaceflightinsider.com/space-flight-history/project-orion-nuclear-bomb-rocket/ He even suggested that to Stanley Kubrick as a part of his movie, but Kubrick was actively against this idea because he was a part of anti-nuclear movement. So, Discovery stayed another abstract nuclear rocketship. P.S. But we know the truth. If Discovery was Orion, how should Kubrick explain why his lunar Apollo were rockets.
  4. I didn't mean the bus drivers, I meant the car owners. They have the cars while their salary lets them have them. Yes, that's wise. While their salary lets them have them. The coming mass job automation, bringing mass unemployment (and as a result, the income cut), will effectively solve this problem, too. No money - no mansion, no manor. Public housing was invented not because the dwellers don't want to bother with family houses. Some of them don't, but the vast majority would. Yes, a wasteland with hypertrophied transport network for the only reason, a combination of low population density and excessive money. Which money are brought either by high salary, or by business (some kind of local production). Once a corporation had squashed the local production, the business pops and the income falls. Once the automation lets pay less money from the fallen income, everything will be automated down to the last employee standing, the owner himself and his family. So, it's not an achievement of the house owners, that they have that house. It's just a temporary flaw of their job automation and small size of the business yet below a corporation radar and while their neighborhood has enough money to pay them for their work. Once the Sauron Corp. eye sight falls on them, some will redress into the Sau Corp. colors and work for food, most of others will hope on the Sau Corp. welfare. Including the municipal social apartments nicely built and granted by the Sau Corp. as a part of national free apartments program. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enclosure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workhouse But of course, without the horrific archaics. Just by buying the houses for the price of apartments rent. When somebody doesn't want, no problem. He can buy a bus, a gas company, a water company, and hire fis own policeman. But such rich man is probably from the Sau Corp. tops, so he doesn't need this. Obviously. That's why the Sau Corp. will stack all that rural wasteland in layers, building a block of comfortable twenty-storey buildings instead of the bulky wooden huts for everyone, and calling it "townhouse" in "uptown". Then turning the former "suburban area" into a green ecopark for all citizens. And see! The total length of roads, pipes, and wires will immediately be reduced by an order of magnitude. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_in_Singapore As well, they will have one big hospital instead of twenty smaller ones. And most of their activities will need no cars at all. Just an elevator to get to the ground, and feet or a freely rented social electric scooter to pass a halfmile and drop it there with no worry about parking. Fiction? The V8 easy riders of 1960s also were thinking so. Before 1970s came. Exactly. See above. Yes, the 1% of people, of the Emploeyee status, will have money corporative subscription to visit it once per three months. Others can play videogames for free or visit a free stadium in the municipal park. *** P.S. About the middle class. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_plan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coworking https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freelancer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outsourcing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_food
  5. Just cut the salary. Mass automation is working on this. (Not to get into conspirology about the middle class future, but...)
  6. Not distinguishing the "lawful weevil" and "chaotic weevil" is cheating, too, that's what I thought today after getting awake,
  7. Sometimes I have a feeling that we are the Fossils. Why were the dinosaurs nit hunting mammoths together with prehistorical humans? The games show that they could.
  8. The common metal heatshield mainstream of 1960s was niobium. With a niobium front shield, separated from the inner hull with empty space toprevent thermal contact, and tilted relative to it to decrease the heat radiation exchange. But it's expensive. *** Between alloys, the titanium alloys were considered to be good as a spaceplane hull material, but again expensive. Between the titanium alloys, the Ti+W+Mo alloys were beloved by the space romantism of 1950s..1960s, for being stron and heat resistant. *** Between the heatproof materials, the phenolformaldehyde resins are great and used as heatprotection for reentering things, but the carbon fiber is by order of magnitude better for its extremely low heat conductivity. It's widely used in the Western reentry vehicles since Minuteman III, but of course not as these silly tiles but winded and filled with glue (the open description of the glue matches the phenolformaldehyde resin). The nosecones of the Western RV like to be made of silicon carbide and other carbides, and kinda-NASA has tested tantal and hafnium carbides as more heatproof (and published the results), but due to their expensiveness and fragility they are for pointy parts likes the nosecones and ears.
  9. The easy solution is to make private car ownership unavailable, together with development of public transport.
  10. Head & Shoulders? This wouldn't help, as we have a selenium plate lying in the book case, and I feel protected from those beasts.
  11. Was this thing really a cop? https://newsinstact.com/dash-cam-records-a-bright-flash2-11681/ A doppelganger? A shapeshifter? A werecop? Who knows...
  12. Floor 3156: A passage to the secret Floor 3153.
  13. Kilometer 2: You are still trying to open the bottle.
  14. When you can easily survive in savanna because you are good in extracting roots with your slide rule.
  15. Back in my day DIMENSION was a keyword to declare an array.
  16. It's offensive, too. (Not only in terms of social relations). The fact that you are a cargo plane doesn't mean that you are not an attacker.
  17. Banned for having 22 in the username, in the number of major arcana.
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