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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Proper Starlink. https://archive.org/details/missilesrockets6196unse/page/n67/mode/2up
  2. Sam Kerman's body is still going interstellar, thanks to speed. Freddo Kerman lands on Orod Ruin volcanic planet.
  3. I feel your pain. Higher soldiers - bigger tanks. People like you two made Abrams look like a barn. This thing was designed to be a rescue rover for an LK pilot or a light rover for two LK-700 ones.
  4. They should launch them in pairs in opposite directions, then no.
  5. Bumping just 2 pages of Forum Games of 44 is a very poor cheating, too weak even for a human.
  6. If redirect a minable asteroid into the Moon, it will be both lunar resource mining and asteroid mining optimization. Also nice to watch from here.
  7. It was a forest. Charcoal Hill
  8. Granted. The referee stops the round. I really WISH to know, WHAT is below my school entrance, in the dungeon. (I presume, it's some kind of SCP there.)
  9. Unsinkable. Kerbals can't sink.
  10. Happily, this thread is going to be locked.
  11. Because bottles are too heavy. 7 *** Is absinthe pentaborane?
  12. The mega solar panel shades the Earth. Night covers the Earth, nothing grows.
  13. 7 000 employees and students at once had lost the time which they could spend on work or study.
  14. Becaome a Roman patrician, then a Roman senator, speak on the Roman forums, and they will assign a post to you. How long was a Roman emperor ruling/living in average?
  15. The global blackout shuts down the internet.
  16. If alien invaders attack the Earth, the Earth Defense Allied Forces will be purple (mixed red and blue), while the aliens - green (because in every sci-fi and because opposite to purple in CMYK).
  17. Wernher von Braun is inventing the early design of Saturn V. The solution is found.
  18. They should better do that outside of office. A new Grammar Police office.
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