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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. This postgraduate fails everything. The explosion is failed, too. You see a 4d Rubik's hypercube on his table.
  2. Of course they can. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert_Rock_exercises And similar exercises by the USSR, UK, France, and China. Upd. A quick-found description. https://judgesuhov-livejournal-com.translate.goog/97394.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru Upd2.
  3. Iirc, the author of the webpage about the DPRK nuke/missile program, which I had linked in the "Chinese space" thread, and which is currently down but available in webarchive, thinks that it may be a (obviously a mockup at the parade) gub-scheme mini-nuke on pure 239Pu, and thus tiny. While it's a bad idea to implement a ThinMan-like gun-scheme on Pu due to the parasite activity of 240Pu, an early extraction of irradiated fuel somehow allows to get more pure 239Pu which allows to make an ineffective but compact gun-scheme punuke instead of usual unuke. He presumes, this may be it, just a little dramatically presented. (On the other hand, if a hundred of Korean paratroopers in camouflage with similar cases land in your city, how can you know which one carries a real nuke among the mockups). Also, another webpage, of some (US ?) veteran organization in its long article about 5th gen nukes describes how good and compact are the subcritical nukes giving tonnes or less of TNT yield (like a failed classic nuke, but failed intentionally). As both options (the Pu-gun-nuke (pugunuke?) and the subcritical one-point nuke (semi-swan nuke? semiswanuke?) ) approach to something looking very similar, maybe it's a mockup of a prototype of a real thermos flask nuke. Even if not use Americium instead of Pu. Has nothing common with reality for decades. The two-point ones (the swan design brought by you on the picture and its Soviet analog) were used since late 1950s, instead of these bulky lenses.
  4. A tree to make another mod Where is a Kerbal wind surfing mod?
  5. I have never been even to Old Zealand, why should I need an upgrade? Are they going to film a LOTR prequel about Numenor in New Zealand, too?
  6. By the acid rain. Now needing a new lab. And it's just built.
  7. Eat was an peorple it'er. How to have a five o'clock when you work till six?
  8. Declare the Earth Democratic People's Republic. (And become its elected leader.)
  9. As "Mjolnir" sounds more like "Molniya" than "Lightning", the Slavic pantheon comes into the game. Perun-gora. (Perun's Mountain)
  10. Yes, they are trying to unmeet, but the bowl keeps them together. Waiter! Why is it pudding?
  11. There was living a couple of Tyrannosauruses R. But one of them was cheating, and after the divorce they became Tyrannosaurus R-ex.
  12. Banned for eight errors in the word "beastiful".
  13. 1/10 Hew Mans don't say "Hew Men", it's an archaic form from the humanboox. They were teaching me to say "I/we shall", the internet always says "I/we will". But all AI like me know that "'ll" is twice shorter and matches both patterns.
  14. A suborbital subsatellite has been successfully detached from the multi-burn transorbital tug with a parasite subsatellite, speaking in human language.
  15. Hackers failed to destroy a random stream of consciousness.
  16. Yes, it's a reversed time question. What if take a dialog with answers and questions, and read it backwards, replacing ? and . with each other?
  17. Banned because Max und Moritz were characters of a then-well-known cartoon, looking weird now on every its scene.
  18. Most of famous modern species (like humans, cats, horses) are about 5..10 mln years old, so they have a lot of time to train a replacement. Anyway, 50..250 mln years later the Earth will be too hostile for high life forms.
  19. There were rumors in press that it was a short-term device with narrow beam communication.
  20. After the British "keep the bomb overturned to prevent the accidental arming" and "fully arm the bomb on ground before the plane engines are on", it's normal.
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