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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It isn't locked! Isn't locked! It's clicked instead!
  2. The Vice Premier of Russia, Yuri Borisov has stated today that Russia is using (you-know-where) the next-gen battlefield anti-aircraft lasers "Zadira" ("Bully") which are not just blinding the aerial drones (like the prior-gen "Peresvet" does), but burn holes in them at up to 5 km distances.
  3. Banned everyone who doesn't know why the Herr Wernher's raketen were named Maks & Moritz. P.S. "Max" is mistyped intentionally. Because why use "X" for "ks", but not use "Ц" for "tz".
  4. Granted. The magnetosphere disappears and you get under the positive particle wind from the Sun. I wish spoons could stick to the magnetosphere and fly up.
  5. Mniecraft is stupid. You are the only one in the world, and there is nobody to look, how tough you are.
  6. In terms of TNT, rather low and rather simple. https://www.sciencealert.com/the-chilling-story-of-the-demon-core-and-the-scientists-who-became-its-victims
  7. Kerbals think. It needs time. Why just one Kerbal can act at once?
  8. They don't. They also have citruses growing to the north from pines. The author never bothered with details. And the same question about the two-sunned Tatooin. One of the training practices in pseudo/quasi-Oriental esoterics is "to think without words". Try it, and you see that it's not that hard and also faster. Just it's harder to build complicated constructions without practice. As the speech center in the brain is a separated center of fine motorics, the speech is a secondary skill related to motion. So, they say that mute people sometimes "speak" with gestures when sleep, but it's unlikely how they think. It's probably just their usual expression of thoughts.
  9. Based on the numerous found teeth, most of Denisovans and Neanderthals had blue eyes.
  10. Phobos is almost on the Roche limit, and its gravity is nearly zero at the Mars side. So, it would turn in a ring, if the humans were not utilizing it for metal.
  11. There are other videos where the cute side arm doesn't present, and poor soldiers carry the shells by arms. So, it's a bit of sugar. Also, in KSP you hardly can use 7 Kerbals per cannon, while IR & BG still exist. But Archer is the most Kerbal combat vehicle ever. Just one Kerbal is needed, and it doesn't leave the cabin.
  12. Because there are large modules in MKS, so you can build a pyramid to sky. Why USI Orion is multi-colored?
  13. From our real practice. Works perfectly. In the closed (released, abandoned) branches - nothing. In the active branches - whatever is needed. That's exactly why the branches exist. To not damage what already works and should be released soon in the day before the release. ? Obviously the database version and the resources should match the client code version. That's why several instances of DB exist on SQL server (MS SQL) when needed, and same about the resource copies. Happily, MSSQL has rather handy database management system, unlike the multi-file ones. Also, the database should have a creation/filling set of scripts, which save efforts a lot and allows to include the database structure and test data into the versioning system. But KSP doesn't use a DB at all, so that's not releveant here (and probably this is not an advantage, as, say, sqlite, would be useful in some cases). Of course, this means that every version content should exist in its own folder. No problem with this except the storage volume. Happily, 7z exists for the inactive stuff. 1.4.2, 1.4.0, 1.5.0 are the release names. You may use as many subversions as you need, 1.4.2a, 1.4.2.b, etc. In case of KSP (and other games) things are even simpler than when you have a ten of customer companies with their specifics in same versions. Unlike that, a game has just one release sequence. Never caused.
  14. Banned because they are supernovas.
  15. Then banned for the Angry Birds supernova.
  16. Banned for aggressive perfectionism.
  17. Yes, the space is hexed. *** A decade later the scientists will discover the "saving throws".
  18. Oh? That? No. That doesn't happen. Especially when a project "goes gold" yeah, thought you were talking about something else. Am shocked. Was sure, it's basics. When you prepare to deliver a 1.4.2 version of a software, you stop changing the 1.4.2 branch code, making only urgent bug fixes, and moving new features and other bug tickets to the 1.4.3 branch schedule. So, while one programmer is debugging the 1.4.2, another one feels free to start working on the 1.4.3 features. Thus, the code exists in many branches, with LTS version ones among them, and thus no new code can break the almost-ready-for-release version.
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