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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Iirc, there was an episode where a spacecraft breaks through the seaship and thus survives.
  2. Banned for rejecting a punctuation ownership.
  3. Granted. One, two... Freddy comes to you... I wish for a couple of seconds more to do that.
  4. Banned for not banning him for using an army tank being a (fleet?) admiral.
  5. Done. Has taken it. I wish to know, where should I put the care now?
  6. The reasons of the UR-700/900 construction were: 1. To unify it with Proton as much as possible, to use the same runnning machines for the tank production and handling. So, when you need a lunar rocket, you just weld a longer sausage. When you don't, you weld the Proton which is required daily anyway. 2. To let it be transported by rails, without using of the river barges. A twice heavier rocket than Proton was UR-530, which (in its final design) consisted of central things of Proton and six first stages of UR-100N strapped around, with fuel components swapped, Exactly for same reason, to use the mass-produced stuff as wide as possible. The hydrazines explode much weaker than kerolox does, so it would be mostly a big fire rather than a kiloton explosion. The most part of the propellants would burn in process, first together, then with oxygen of the air. ~70% of the propellant is N2O4, whose unburnt remains a day later would turn into nitric fertilizer like any other saltpeter, so next year a lot of grass would grow there. So, several tens of tons of hydrazine could stay on ground, and this is just like if a big railway cistern was overturned without fire. The apocaliptic aftermath of it is overestimated by rumors. The most important reason of the UR-700 cancellation was that the developer was in conflict with the minister, and exactly after saying that UR-700 is "as reliable as Proton", the Proton failed on the launch, flied towards the commission bunker and exploded, making the government commission... impressed.
  7. This one. A-side, B-side. Or maybe vice versa, who knows. Still lacking a player. P.S. Btw, as is the most common here, probably some punk-rock.
  8. Heavy jaw + high gravity. Is "Minmus Circumnavigator" the same as "Minmus Circus Navigator"?
  9. (Tries to say something, but can't in the nearly vacuum. Just wheezes.)
  10. Too few. You can moar. UR-900 http://www.astronautix.com/u/ur-900.html It's like 700, but 900. Six moar boosters around/between the initial ones.
  11. Just touch with lips but don't fully kiss. Why is @ColdJ so fond of double pictures in signature?
  12. Banned for not having a green planet in signature.
  13. Capitalization of letters is a cheating itself. Unless you went postal.
  14. 3 of 4 are just unloaded, afaik. So, probably can be repaired and used again. The only question why restart the obsolete design. It needs parts and so on, so would face logistical problems.
  15. Then a river of heavy water to drink. It can raise the nukesheep reactor efficacy.
  16. What about Sapkowski, Wiedzmin, fantasy romantics?
  17. No, exactly. If it was not, they would say "the whole (part of) truth which I'm aware of", correct it to sound more Englishly. So, everything listed above is just weak excuses.
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