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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. I don't mean exactly Germany. It was an analogy to the grammar pedants.
  2. Btw, as I have noticed not once the forum engine doesn't properly embed any URL from "fandom wiki" forums, widely used by fans of various games and movies. https: //static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/d6/Yoda_SWSB.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20150206140125 If remove the part after the file extension, it workd, but usually inserting a clickable thumbnail. Though, sometimes it needs a tineye search for same picture from another site.
  3. They are hungry and start gaming. The Mountains of Katniss.
  4. The bad cfg grammor was necessery to let MM ban the mod.
  5. Fllor 2646. Something liquid is dropping from the floor 2647.
  6. A Moon landing, too. (Лунолёт-1 / Lunar flyer 1) And its version for ES-1045.
  7. I recall the 1980s-2000s anti-nuclear green hysteria and prayers to the gods of the solar and wind powah. And now behold the miracle! The same green pedants have rebooted in salto mortale jump, and now the nuclear powerplants are again lovely, healthy, and good! Isn't this all brilliant? Next step: we need increase carbon dioxide to raise the ocean and make more land watered.
  8. The prequel to Rex Nebular. How many Goblins were in Goblins?
  9. The Flamingos are banned by Flamoutcomes.
  10. The realm occupies Australia and gets bunnied by local koalition.
  11. Next to Carmen Sandiego. What was the Larry's leisure suit made of?
  12. Lovecraft visits them for the first time. The Mountains of Madness,
  13. And me, Caesar. Brutus Not mine.
  14. The Creepy Molluscookie from the banthread.
  15. Calamari gets boiled. Molluscookie Upd. The thread is banned for being wrong.
  16. He is also banned because monkey is a mon key of the evolution. P.S. Idk, what's "mon".
  17. Clerics combine and cast Combine Clerics. Mysticookie-Combinukie.
  18. In my own thoughts on this topic some time ago, I was first thinking what the current me can teach the younger past-me. Skipping several logical iterations, finally I had come to the scheme when the current-me contacts the past-me, and both personalities get merged. (In my case it would be easy, as the current-me is mostly a better informed and experienced past-me with useful post-knowledge. So, the young past-me would just feel that he has just loaded a HDD copy of intenet, if that me could know what's the "HDD" and "internet", as it's 70s-80s.) So, then I just was following the "my totally current personality inside my that body learning at school and then in the university" scheme, The post-knowledge (i.e. memories) stays with me (otherwise I would just be repeating same decisions and sometimes mistakes), so watching in 1985 the launch of Columbia, I'm aware of the 1986 Challenger, at it happens in its time. But I can't just recall lottery tickets, footbal matches, or so, because they are blurry background events for me, implemented randomly. Also I can't remember exact dates when I, say, caught a hit in face because was walking that exact route at that exact moment, not five minutes sooner or lateer. I just don't remember the date, so I can't choose another time or route at that exact date. (Though, I can unintentionally do this by random, so occasionally pass that street not simultaneously with that bad people, walking there at that exact time). I just remember this. I'm aware that I'm surfing that reality not first time. Go and tell about? No, thanks. Nobody would believe before, but everyone would accuse after. So, it would save nobody, but just increment the casulaties counter by one. Actually, that's the strongest reason to avoid showing off with the post-knowledge in that second-hand reality. Just technically I'm so far from buying google stock in the late USSR, that my ideas were limited with companies known to me, and how would I optimize my career and so.
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