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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Granted. No blood sugar is sold anymore in your grocery store. Now I wish for the Russian Blood Candy.
  2. The radiation belts begin from 600..1000 km altitude.
  3. Using music for memories is a cheating.
  4. Granted, You have found this bar on the next street, nobody there is fired, but they have a vacation, so you can't get in. I wish there was a chocoholic fuel.
  5. A memorandum helps cheating the memory.
  6. Nerevarin Cookie. Yesrevarin Cookie, too.
  7. A "re-minded member" = "re-member". It's a cheating.
  8. Floor 2632: Only the next grade of the Lounge can come in. You run away in panic.
  9. Granted. You have discovered that keeping Principia unpacked during the transfer makes it much easier. I wish for a self-granting wish.
  10. Yesn't, as it does unexist. Is "to be" the same as "to do be doing being"?
  11. Jeb saw the landing targets, just his hands were shaking.
  12. Between others we should not forget Night Widow, because its unnamed plastic model was in Soviet toy shops, and I had assembled it for the book shelf.
  13. https://www-adsl-kirov-ru.translate.goog/projects/articles/2018/04/04/mir/?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru *** Soviet Vault-Tec https://www-adsl-kirov-ru.translate.goog/projects/articles/2021/09/02/zemnoi-zvezdolet/?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru
  14. Kerbal Bat Mobile. An extension of the famous Kerbal Bat Static.
  15. Ten more sequels and seasons (seasquels?) of The Walking (But Still) Dead.
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