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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Cookie_(item) Yes. The consumable Cookie Consukie.
  2. Bombadil is just a cultured version of Beorn from the Hobbit. The question is, who was the Hobbit version of Goldberry.
  3. It's an extrakerbestrial music day. Waiter! Please, a bowl and two fingers.
  4. Actually the Kerbal just sleeps. Because it's a tribe background talk at the campfire. *** What is more dangerous: space sharks or space crocodiles?
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-56346001 The first rebels of the galactic empire. *** Also the first Orphans of the Universe. *** And of course, the first space mass strike, making them founders of the space trade unions history, *** And if they were Party members, three persons form the primary party organization.
  6. Because Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds sounds much better than Lucy in The Sky With Graphite.
  7. Starlink helps dinokillaz stay stealth. https://www-rbc-ru.translate.goog/technology_and_media/06/02/2022/61ff4a219a79470395194467?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru https://www.wsj.com/articles/spacexs-starlink-satellites-are-photobombing-astronomy-images-study-says-11644062404?mod=lead_feature_below_a_pos1 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/ac470a
  8. Banned for studying at school for grades, rather than for knowledge.
  9. That's why I mentioned the seat. The pilot is aware.
  10. Large amounts of the diamond dioxide can cause the greenhouse effect.
  11. There are no white horses. Only gray ones. Another gray planet.
  12. "Next in line, please!" It usually helps to lure the prey on the Earth, why shouldn't on Mars? Nobody wants SETI. Time to try something heavy.
  13. There was an old sci-fi story with a robomule. We need a kind of Boston-like robohorse in case of a time portal gets unexpectedly opened during the ITER and LHA experiments, like in Stargate, but into the medieval or ancientry. Also, there is another problem: what should be the time traveller's weapon, as the assault rifles are an obvious overkill. (Except the red crowbar which is present by default.) (Every self-respecting scientist always keeps it at hands, after the case happened to Gordon Freeman.)
  14. Floor 2566. Escaping from tentacles, you get into pentacles.
  15. It's not a bit, it's a pixel. Probably, 4 bytes.
  16. Floor 2563. People here are still waiting for the KSP-2 release.
  17. Deliver pizza to @ColdJ's place and then eat it myself.
  18. Banned because that happened accidentally.
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