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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Banned for reading poems instead of Poe.
  2. Yes, but it is acting without breaks, so we had to freeze it. Waiter! A fresh pizza with yesterday pizza remains. So, like your diner got used to.
  3. A moment sooner than then. Who cares what happened in long time ago, in the galaxy far away?
  4. Don't start the offtopic. P.S. Though, the formula stays same for any radiating black body.
  5. Because you are a lobster. Waiter! A duckduckgo with Apples, please.
  6. No, counterpaganda. It's banned. gui.tar is a linux user interface package, based on its name. And the banjo was invented to ban.
  7. Because the languages don't wish to compete and prefer to cross the finish line all at once. Because the cat fell asleep on the keyboard. Do the cats play KSP?
  8. The reastaurant is designed for business, so it's busy. Waiter! I'm waiting.
  9. The places which they call "deposits" have 1 g of 3He / 100 t of lunar ground. The places which they don't call so, don't. It's produced when lithium is bombarded by neutrons of any origin, say from a deuterium fusion reactor. Also the D+D reaction gives a 3He with 50% probability. Another 50% of probability gives T, which decays into same 3He with the 12 year halflife. So, as the lunar helium is anyway proposed for usage together with deuterium, there is no need in on the Earth it at all. The Earth oceans are full of D and Li to produce 3He in by orders of magnitude greater amounts than mined on the Moon. The neutrons of D+D are also not a problem. 1. They can force the natural uranium fission in a hybrid reactor (the uranium is also contained in the ocean in much greater amounts that in ground). 2. They can burn into hydrogen and helium all radioactive wastes if put them into the deuterium reactor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aneutronic_fusion There is a number of the fusion reactions give low-to-none neutron emission, and 3He is the worst of them because it's excessive for a pure deuterium reactor at the coastline, but non-storable for spaceships (which would better use 11B+H fuel.). The only place where the 3He usage makes sense is the Moon itself, because there is no much water there, and the reactors at the same time should be compact. So, the lunar 3He + D (from the ice) is the way to build ompact lunarreactors to mine and refine the hypothetical lunar lantanoids to make the firesteel. KSPI-E mod has the 3He and aneutronic fusion stuff. *** Actually, any hydrogen bomb creates and burns more 3He than a lunar facility could extract from 1 000 t of regolith.
  10. The N1 disasters were caused by its general architecture and lack of testing of the whole assembly on ground. 30 engines with 30 sets of pumps, pipes, valves. 30 * N sources of pulsing combustion in chambers, pusling fuel components flow in pipes, etc. Hundreds of possible resonance sources, and the engine which previously never had been tested. In Soyuz they use 20 major combustion chambers, but grouped by 4 with 1 pump for every for (so 5 in total), and separated in five boosters, each of them tested. So, the modular design is a way to debug the rocket, while they didn't have money to test a pack of 30 engines for N1.
  11. The "Ban the previous poster" in Forum Games is approaching to 1 100 pages of love and friendship, These humans...
  12. Depends on the shining part diameter and the temperature of backhurt. W/m2 = 5.67*10-8 T4 T is in Kelvins.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super-Jupiter (Cuz the first generation of stars were supergiants of tens solar masses, so the junk heap around them was same giantish.)
  14. Fake. Who needs so many colored balloons? And the firesteel is a must have for everyone. (Except the raw stake lovers of course, but that's their own choice and doom).
  15. The unexpected real reason of the coming Second Moon Race. As it's known, the resource which is expected to be being mined on the Moon are lantanoids aka rare-earth metals, which hypothetically form deposits in the greatest craters done by the asteroid impacts. But why do we need these lantanoids, and why is it so critically important? This! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_striker https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinderbox The firesteel. In the dark old time the firesteel was made of iron. But the iron is hard. So, since the early XX they make firesteel out of mischmetal, i.e. lantanoid (mostly cerium) alloys. (Btw in the lighters, too). We need the Moon to get the fire! The Battle for Moon is the Battle for Flame! P.S. As the microelectronic chips are made of same mineral as the Stone Age handaxes, i.e. silicon, that's not funny. Also look at the Rods From Gods project and the Asteroid Bombardment. What is this if not a stone throwing done by the most advanced hi-tech? Since early days till future times the human tribes are competing for better stones.
  16. We can use negative numbers in chemical formulas to show absense of some element.
  17. Was selected for flight due to labourer origin and political background; failed the flight program; confused the ship orientation and blamed the sensor malfunction; had in-flight health problems with food consuming, vomiting, menstrual disorder; on landing had shared the saved food between the local dwellers possibly to hide the violation of the scheduled nutrition. After the flight, Korolyov said "No baba woman, colloq. in space anymore, while I'm alive". https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Терешкова,_Валентина_Владимировна?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru Was married to A. Nikolayev (Vostok-3) on Khrushchev's initiative. Later divorced.
  18. If a billion of people had pointed at a star with their smartphone cameras at once, ir would be an Extra Large Multicellular Camera Array, so we could see like the alphacentaurians are waving "hi!".
  19. Floor 2973 Whatever it is, but it is dancing foxtrot.
  20. Banned for scramjetting (scramjettisonning?)
  21. Banned for speaking in puzzles. "something awesome" some "thing awe" some "awe thing" some "thing of awe" some "thing full of awe" some "awful thing"
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