Mostly. Unlike the C++ standard, Windows, DOS 5, cell phones, and many other things, including the programming paradygms and conceptions.
The object-oriented programming was an ugly duckling of programming even in early 1990s.
Wiki has been founded in 2 001, while The Matrix had been filmed in 1 999, young gentleman.
When some of us had watched The Matrix first time, there was no wiki even as a project.
Why not? The 1F platform (the Phoboses) is based on E-8's KT landing-transfer platform посадочно-перелётная платформа КТ and Frigate upper stage.
Good classics never dies.
And somebody didn't believe that Saturnian tech was scrapped for reasons.
(Let alone R-7 & 7K, of course.
And there is still Proton not forgotten.)
Brazil also is fond of moonshine aircraft engines not j4lulz.
The water towers for steam locomotives still exist on their places.
1. A glass of caught fireflies solves the problem without the body modding.
2. 30 h of night = 30 h of cold, every... hm... twoday. Either they can see in the dark, or they are sleep.
3. Big cats and wild pre-dogs would be glad to see a monkey with a flashlight. The hubting hasn't ever been so easy.