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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. A whirl of sand from Moon to Earth constantly blown by a mass driver, entering the atmosphere, falling down and forming hills and islands.
  2. Also banned not for just poor spelling , but also for low mana and no dwemer manuscript.
  3. Oh, yeah... Space junk. Imagine the feelings of the crew arriving to L2 several decades later and seeing the derelict JWST drifting in the abyss of the night.
  4. The next step to the virtual humanity future. https://www.rtbf.be/article/un-nouveau-passeport-belge-plus-sur-disponible-des-le-7-fevrier-et-inspire-de-la-bd-belge-10923037
  5. Banned for harassing somebody's reputation.
  6. Lonely widows are used often, afaik. Because they have poor chances to stay socialized in the patriarchal society.
  7. https://www.google.com/search?q=аэросани&tbm=isch&oq=аэросани&sclient=img
  8. A swift ban of @Kerbal Productions
  9. Your ban is banned. That was his mannequin.
  10. A road and grass killer, so never became popular. *** The arctic rovers use tracks, as the contact area is greater. The snowcats as well. The rocket carriers who need to drive both across the roads and the snow use many wheels, because tracks kill the asphalt.
  11. Granted. You are having the goodnight. Then you wake up on a small island with a palm. I wish for kishmish *). Actually, I don't, just a rhyme. *) "Sultana", the Central-Asian sort of grape.
  12. A bird comes and starts eating the rice, Cockatrice Palace mountain
  13. It's a comet mocket. Which cooler is vibrating in the fuselage of my desktop?
  14. Banned for not reading the books written by her granddad, Jonathan.
  15. There are even Children of Dead Earth fans on KSP site.
  16. Elite has a non-Newtonian physics (except FFE) and overpowered fuel.
  17. The wave of decoys takes out most of the drones. The wave of EMP missiles burns most of the rest. The main wave missiles (behind the "sand" cloud) perform a strafe on approaching, and the drones need over-acceleration to catch them, if even can "see" behinf the cloud. The main wave missiles rotate to the ship (not the velocity vector, but the rocket body by RCS), aim, engage the nuke, hit the ship from 1 000 km distance by an Xray laser. They don't. The shooting (not impacting) missiles need to pass in a 1 000 km radius sphere. And they don't need to fly directly into the ship. Their trajectories are fly-by. So, the attacking missile needs to "hit" a ~1 000 000 m large aim, while the interceptors need to hit a 1 m rocket. If make the interceptors Xray, too, then anyway on approaching the missile should aim a ~100 m large ship, while the interceptor needs to shoot at ~1 m rocket. At the 1 000 km distance (of the laser shot) the missiles are coming in ~90° angle, while all interceptors have to be launched from one point, the ship. The firing rate is limited by the heat capacity of the shooting device and the projectiles, and can't be much higher than the modern ones, because the cannon will overheat. The projectiles (who are basically conducting carriages) start overheating and melting even earlier, so at high rate or speed they will turn into expanding plasma clouds. This makes any high-rate or high-speed railgun the worst form of particle accelerator. So, the railguns are just an equivalent of the modern anti-aircraft naval guns for short distances and non-existing fighters. At 1 000 km they will miss just because any missile performs a counter-anti-aircraft maneuver (in this case - the strafe).
  18. Doesn't matter. The main idea is "shoot on fly-by". Because it's sci-fi. Their ships also lack radiator panels. The projects of magnetically self-containing "plasmoids".
  19. Just spelling alphacentauri. Why have the extraterrestrials built the Sphinx for the Ancient Egyptians?
  20. The mice agree. Mice Palace mountain.
  21. Today you can order any soup on your choice. Anyway we have only onions. Waiter! Please, pizza without cheese. I want something thinner to joke.
  22. Self-banned for not recognizing the greatest musicians ever.
  23. Because it's cooler than the previous one. Waiter! TEA! And TEB.
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