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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The peace makes the hillers weak and silly. Peace Fool Hill
  2. Yes, it's a gut soup. Mostly cow gut, but a little of pig ones, too. Waiter! Are you trolling? How can I smell this wine, wearing the mask?
  3. It looks more spartanesque. The extra parts stay lying on table.
  4. Banned because everyone knows what's the mirelurk. Every-every one.
  5. The cumulative dock drifting is just realistic. It's not a bug, it's a feature. Look at any real spaceship description. "Maximum flight duration. Autonomus: 14 days. Docked: 270 days," So, as you can see, even the real world ships can't stay docked for a year. You should undock and deorbit them much sooner, and the redocking doesn't help. While the permanent station modules stay docked for decades without problems, being never undocked. So, either the real world has the same bug as KSP 1.12.x, or KSP 1.12.x simulates the real world perfectly. It just makes you plays nicely, without the gamish time cheating.
  6. Banned for being unaware of the mirelurks.
  7. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/817961 Rogozin stated that the Tier 3 of Vostochny will have a cheap and lightweight design, instead of the classic scheme with underground bunkers able to survive a tactical nuke, cyclopic trenches, and so on. The Tier 3 is intended for Amur-SPG/LNG rocket. It should be able to support 15 launches/year, including the interflight servicing of reusable stage(s). Preliminary estimation of Amur-SPG/LNG launch is 22 megabucks.
  8. The hill capturing is strictly prohibited. Capital Punishment Hill
  9. Don't worry, sir. They are allergic to you even more. Waiter! Ot's the third dish of oysters already, and where is at least one pearl in them? Do you steal them together with cook?
  10. It works with Dorothi, why shouldn't with her. But only if she wears Brown Riding Boots. What's the coming Starship number?
  11. Banned for having no pet mirelurk.
  12. Its high ISP due to the lowest possible molecular mass and its enormously huge heat capacity. It can't be competed by any other coolant, and that's the case when the coolant is at same time the fuel. The historical HSHL SSTO projects of 1960s-70s include a plane with turbojets, a scramjet, and air scoops. On start the spaceplane has its oxytanks empty, so weights much less. While the hydrotank is full. It starts by turbojets using the hydrogen and atmospheric air. Reaching several machs, it switches off the turbojets and engages the scramjet working on the hydrogen and atmospheric air, too. It begins accelerating and slowly raising, taking air from scoops, liquifying it, and storing the oxygen in the oxytanks. The lifting forse supports it, so it gets much heavier than on start. It reaches the thin air altitude simultaneously with full oxytanks. At the same time it starts feeding the engine with the extracted oxygen . It closes the air intakes, and its hybrid scramjet is fed by the same hydrogen and the oxygen from tanks. It reaches the orbit. The hydrogen is used to cool both engine and hull.
  13. They were restricting the hill access due to the cow-made minefield covering it all. So, of course the rebels may stay there...
  14. The only problem is that different people mean opposite things behind these simple words. They found a sunken submarine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sunken_nuclear_submarines
  15. For champions only. It's a champion cup. Waiter! Fried champignons, please.
  16. The Nice city authorities restrict the access to Hill for the sanitation reasons.
  17. This morning a wombatess in Adelaide Zoo gave birth to three small blind wombalings. That's all nice news to the moment. I wish they crossed ostrich and oyster.
  18. He's voodoing, voodooing... Then oops, he has voodone. What was Red Riding Hood riding, when she was walking?
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