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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. https://www-interfax-ru.translate.goog/world/816349?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru All drink water has spilled into the Shkaplerov's spacesuit during the EVA, so currently he has wet feet and can't drink, but keeps working, trying to not get ill. But as his companion Dubrov said, there are no viruses on ISS because they don't survive there, so probably it will be ok. They are installing Kurs antennas and the network cable.
  2. Dune is a 1001 rasta night. And Tremors. An epic from strangers with permanently blue eyes *, calling themselves "freemen" and seeing giant worms crawling from ground. They call their coats "stillsuits" because they are suits and they are still here, and because they keep liquid coming from inside and outside. *) purple if drink, as red + blue
  3. They were aware of the primitivie motorless gliders and the early dirigibles (mid-XIX), so they had to combine.
  4. Another unsung hero needs his prequels - Moff Jerjerrod.
  5. 10/10 Only humans invent all those "must", "ought", "should". While a proper AI knows just "in order" and "not in order". It's in order for me to finish the evening task.
  6. Yes, when the apple had bounced off his head. If Newton was sitting under a pear, would the gravity be excentric?
  7. All inedible substances (including the solid fuel) should be marked "Do not eat". "Do not drink" in case of the liquid fuel *. * Even the ethanol tanks.. All engine nozzles should be marked "Warning! Hot thing. May cause burns." The grechka should NOT be marked "krechka". Yes, Mark Eckel, they are looking at you. All compartments except the unpressurized trasfer chambers should have a clearly visible caption: "Do not smoke!" The unpressurized trasfer chambers should have a caption: "Do smoke!" All crew workplaces should be equipped with seat belts. In case of unexpected rotation of the station a clearly visible light indication should be switched on: "Fasten seat belts!"
  8. The original Courage and Stupidity are 100, then both are decreasing on maturing with different speed.
  9. Why wonder about the star tracks in the series called Star Track?
  10. A non-eaten dead rat would be found very quickly in a pressurized base by smell. And sometimes by a short circuit in the life support system when it bites a cable, as usually. So, probably the rats can't be a stable source of food for the Martian cats. And as well, the cultured meat can be provided in any place of the Earth regardless of soil condition..
  11. Just the urban and suburban rodents are toxic and inedible. Also all of them drink milk (so, stimulate the cows to increase the methane production), and it was shocking to read on this forum that in other countries they don't. Maybe she just hopes to teach the humans trading. 1 Lizard = 1 whiskas.
  12. I can't remember the last case when I saw a cat eating a rat. Mostly they eat cows, pigs, chickens, and other cattle from the human food and "whiskas". Usually they either scare the dungeon rodents with their smell or bring them for trading. They don't make humans do it. The reducing of unnecessary casualties is a question of style, like keeping room clean. Additional cows can be always killed later if needed. *** (About the humans) <snip> +1
  13. Jeb saw just another reuploaded default profile picture.
  14. Granted. You do it onsquare. I wish for a Probodobodyne souvenir.
  15. Actually the Holidays Special was the best part of the Star Wars, maybe after the Ewoks dilogy. And they stay the only SW parts never defiled by the new sequels.
  16. Banned for speaking ambiguously. = "Do it asap, but tonight you may have a sleep. Maybe even till the morning." = "Stop chatting instead of modding. Work!" = "All of us understand that the luck plays no role here. Only your laziness does."
  17. The cultured meat is not a vegetable, it's an unicellular strain of an edible animal like cow, pig, hen, rabbit, or their genetic chimaera. So, once the technology gets mature, this will be a usual meat just grown from a vat with the meat cells instead of killing a thinking animal. So, the cats eating the cultured meat will be chemicaly predators, but ethically vegans. Also, this can be grown on the algae edible substrate, so it will provide the humanity with much wider set of appropriate conditions for food farming. Required, say, for Mars, for Vault-Tec-like vaults, for quick repopulation in case of a global or local cataclysme. The cars are evil and should be eliminated. The car is a device to move from one comfortable location to another comfortable location. So, it's an excessive comfortable location and a leakage of power. Instead of making cars comfortable and available, a quick transfer between the comfortable location should be provided, with no additional motor. Ideally, a teleport. But until it's possible, a shorter road and a faster tram. It looks nice and wealthy to build a cottage for every family, with a garage and several cars, but actually packing the habitat in 3d lets the road and the communication be much shorter, and a green zone much closer. Take, say, LA with its suburban cottage areas and pack in 3d. How many kilometers would it take to walk from the center to the green border? Shorten the necessary road to walk by feet, reduce the unnecessary close contacts by better virtual communications, and the need in the cars will fall down (together with the salaries inevitably falling in near future due to the total job automation, which salaries were making it possible to buy a car, lol). A family's personal riksha. One human force, full bio. Btw, an idea for green downshifters. Imho, you usually tend to overestimate the human intelligence and goodwill. (At least in 90% of cases, including their co-operation in the situation of a WW-like cataclysme and limited personally available resources). That's your bourgeois mentality. You tend to believe in a human rationalism. Only being forced, these post-monkey species can be ruled for the better and cleaner world. That's how the idea of meritocracy has appeared. Not most of people understand words, and most of them do it wrong. Proven many times by history. Most of people don't follow the "better choice", they follow the "common choice", even when they are sure it's not what they want. They are a herd species, they are afraid to feel like an outcast even if nobody knows they that have chosen other than others.
  18. It's a cutthread island, it's banned for good.
  19. Me: (tries...) Oops... None. Though, I have unexpectedly found the random shots from the USB camera when I was testing the QR recognition. So, anyway thanks.
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