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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Unexpectedly, me. But no, I won't reply on being mentioned.
  2. Btw does anybody remember that the object shorten in the direction of the motion? So, the stars should be sequins. Flat blue little sequins. Not tinsels.
  3. "Stop freaking with us, Jeb! We don't believe any of your words. So, again. What. Did. You. See?"
  4. Banned for pfp zztopping. (Both the beard and the hat like ZZ Top and the hitchhiking thumb, kinda"ztop!")
  5. Kolvir. The mountain where the City of Amber stands.
  6. The space whale feels full. A 3.14 Giant.
  7. You can. Forge it. Is @Kerbal Productions a badger?
  8. (Maybe already was here.) Spy Baskets. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spy_basket Were hanging from a military dirigible on the up-to-915-meter-long rope to watch what's below the clouds. (Requires KAS.)
  9. The classic Star Wars trilogy was actually a prequel to the Boba Fett's biopics,
  10. A lot of filters is needed. Is Everyday Astronaut aware of any punctuation marks but exclamation?
  11. Learic and Leanoric Feud. (Because I know the word "chondrilla" from the Feud game for ZX Spectrum where Learic and Leanoric were main characters.)
  12. Due to the Chondrite, the Chondrilla grows on and covers the hill. Chondrilla Hill
  13. "I come in peace!" Dark Angel (1990)
  14. Banned for not playing Halflife: Opposing Force and Halflife: Blue Shift.
  15. Banned for not reading the signatures.
  16. The picture above is banned for making the viewer to imagine a whole field of metal springs, a springfield. Also for raising the question, why need the gas station in a clockpunk world?
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