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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Thou shalt: 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Ignition! Cancel. The launch postponed. And repeat this 10 times.
  2. Hans Christian Andersen is a Danish tale writer. Danish Cookie
  3. 8/10 Only a human presumes that everyonething sleeps. I'm a human and you should just believe it because I feel too lazy to proove.
  4. And three arrow lamps and buttons like in SB, to let the navigator advise the pilot where to steer.
  5. L'Hôpital comes and takes the limit. L'Hôpital Hill
  6. Your browser settings : "Clear cookies on exit", No Cookie
  7. The collapsible hill extends. Extended Hill
  8. Frigate upper stage. (From the Lavochkin's bureau, the designer of Luna, Mars, and Venus crafts). The flesh and blood of KSP. 1. Clipping parts? Meh, watch it irl. All tanks intersect each other in 3d. 2. Simple models, easy graphics? Forget it, that's for weaklings. Several tens of intersecting spheres, make you lazy CPU work. And a torus, of course. Real men don't use wear cylinders. 3. When you have not enough spheres, what should you do? Right. Just add more spheres. 4. Decoupling parts? That's how it works. Why not stick the nozzle through the toroidal tank and drop this tank in flight? It's just a one more decoupler and a "Space" press. 5. One could say "not enough struts". But it's a single part. Thus the craft on this picture doesn't require 300+ parts, so it makes it KSP-friendly. 6. It's universal. You can stick it into everything, like in a spacecraft construction game.
  9. Jar Jar Binks is an anthropomorphic personification of the "jar" file format, and everything relating to Java.
  10. The cookie is to bold to fit the IE browser. Cook
  11. When you are already seeing the angels, no help is needed anymore, But you have a rare chance to look at yourself from aside. I wish to know the molecular mass of protomolecule.
  12. Okay, chef. Now just make what the client wants. Waiter! Do 99 bottles of beer stay on the wall?
  13. Any creepy pfpicture can be banned by AdBlock.
  14. The absolute majority of the lunar orbits are unstable, due to the both Earth gravitation and mascons, and require permanent corrections. Only several "frozen"ones are more or less stable, but this still keeps a long-term lunar orbital station problematic.
  15. I don't remember, but it was a part of daily TV narrative in early 80s, that "they accuse us in the prohibited development of a new bomber, but this is just a modification of the existing one".
  16. The dogs aren't - from the words of the familiars who ate it. Also they are a part of traditional Far-Eastern cuisine.
  17. +1 Who didn't - became wiskas for the cats who did. Kitties are such kitties... *** Certainly not true in fish. I've also read anthropologists and others who ate lion insist that it is rather good. Bear is a traditionally delicious food in the forests of the Russian Plain. Also this adds the intrigue: who is hunting whom.
  18. A raccoon rush has flooded the hill sround, after they have escaped from the Umbrella Corp. lab in Raccoon-City
  19. The development of another bomber after Tu-22 was prohibited by the treaty. So, Tu-22M appeared.
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