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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. 0.5 rad/yr = 0.005 Sv/yr is allowed for the civil population. (36 * 365 / 0.005) ~= 2.6 mln times. ln(2.6*106)/ln(2) ~= 21.3 half value layers So, 22 half balue layers is required to live on Io. Idk, what's the composition of the primary radiation on Io, but probably mostly protons, as it's a radiation belt. So, the main radiation behind the wall is secondary gamma released on the proton absorbtion. The half value layer for gamma is ~2 cm for lead and ~3 cm for steel. So, it's a 65 cm thick steel wall. Gravity acceleration ~1.8 m/s2 ~= 0.18 of normal. So, the 65 cm thick steel roof on Io weights like a 12 cm thick one on the Earth. Looks completely buildable. Just we need to bring the steel from the closest iron asteroid by ion engines. The advantage is electricity for free, from the orbitial powerplants (and maybe just even from long wires). Also they can just cover it with 2 meters of ground.
  2. There is a special moon walk methodics already developed in late 1980s.
  3. The set destructor is called. Unallocated cookies.
  4. The contaminated cookie has been incinerated.
  5. Banned for ignoring the visual explanation which makes a translation excessive. Upd. And others for ninja'ing.
  6. A rainfall replaces the washing machine. Rain Falls
  7. It's not a soup. It's an omemelet. "English"? Not "Ingles"?
  8. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Phobos-Hopper-PROP-F-model-courtesy-VNIITransmash_fig1_224991819
  9. At 0.01 g it's no difference on how many. Probably the climber-like rope roads on the stuck sticks are the only way.
  10. (The 3rd semester of Hogwartz, I guess. Already has an idea, but yet hasn't realized the scientific base of the magic.)
  11. Only White Rabbit can explain this, but do you see Alice around to ask her where he is?
  12. The Fireman runs out from the oven remains and dives into the pool, becoming Aquaman
  13. KSP is now a browser game. KSP browser cookie.
  14. Granted. You reappear in the reality where nobody heard about Star Trek. I wish Mantrid and his Arms had entered the StarTrek universe and modified it in its* usual way. (* As we can only conditionally treat Mantrid as a human person.)
  15. https://www-rbc-ru.translate.goog/politics/07/01/2022/61d83d9f9a7947d1ef0970b6?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru More than 3-in-1 is not allowed in Baikonur. As the liquor sales are prohibited, actually even 3 is not required.
  16. Granted. Now you are a StarTrek expendable NPC and can't escape because the ST fizzix is incompatible to the irl. I wish Lexx had entered the StarTrek universe and modified it in its usual way.
  17. Banned because we hear the music inside his head.
  18. Yes, it's a special bowling soup. Waiter! My phone needs to be fed.
  19. Felt that remotely, being in Paris via Google Earth. Actually, nothing special.
  20. With all those towed sonar arrays a submarine has no clean way to swim around. Soon in LEO with Starlink.
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