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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. A 60 mm mortar According to wiki, 50 ... 244 m/s At 01:00 there is a prepared shell visible. Somebody here more mortarly experienced can tell if it is 1 or 3 additional powder charges on it, so is it closer to 50 or to 240 m/s.
  2. Stone Fence is banned, that's why I didn't mentiuon it (whatever it is)
  3. How much energy can produce the second-hand solar panel compared to the energy required for a transorbital transfer of the gatherer?
  4. But elephants? Where are elephants? The medieval artists should draw a lot of them in the astronomy and geography schoolbooks, but I can't remember any.
  5. The sphere is inverted. Your island-trench
  6. We are waiting for all three of them gathering here: @Souptime, @Melontime, and @Teatime from the Discworld. It's a meloncholy, it's a vegan diner. *** Waiter! Can we have dinner in this diner?
  7. Yes. Darth Sirius Black. Why is Hogwartz so small?
  8. SpaceX is building a giant robot to throw and catch the rockets by arms.
  9. Banned for not seeing the obvious. this
  10. Granted. 2% of deposit interest, 15% of tax, 6 months before first withdrawal I wish ZX Spectrum had 4 GB of RAM in my years.
  11. Because the militaries need researches, while the scientists like playing WoT. *** Agency - to distribute governmental money and control the results. Club / Society - to do something on somebody's own. For example, the Society for Deep-Sea Aeronautics Общество Глубоководной Аэронавтики as I named it in some of my KSP sandbox careers could follow the J. Piccard's way and make a crewed sphere 2.1 m in diameter to use this basic design for both high-altitude balloons and Mariana Trench bathyscaphe, just making it of different materials. Then they could caover this with a layer of ablator and launch it by rocket into space, calling this Vostok and Voskhod. Then they could reuse this design to make a habitat for a mini-spaceship, calling it Soyuz. Wait... That was irl...
  12. According to google, the Moon is hollow there, so maybe shuttle just made a crosswind maneuver in the space aether like a space glider.
  13. SpaceX can't provide the heatproof tiles of same color.
  14. Banned for using Times on screen.
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