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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. If take quite a lot of plutonium, the fission reactor without any additional effort turns into a hybrid one: the fission and the
  2. The crater brings a crate and founds a krait inside. Krait Hill
  3. Got it. The EU cows suck the Yamal gas from pipes, thus both emit same methane. P.S. Do they patch the pipes with duct tape after every cow bite?
  4. Click! @AlamoVampire, they did it again...
  5. The proper Soviet Bunny Hare comes in. Hare Hill
  6. thou.shalt(getCommandmentList()); class Thou : public Actor { public: bool shalt(CustomArray const & arrayCommandmentList) { for (auto const & objectCommandment : arrayCommandmentList) *this << objectCommandment; return true; // no false option } };
  7. It was casing the exploding cloud in a conical pipe. This. Cones. Instead of pancakes. Let the stacked waffle disks be cones. This will concentrate the gas flow. This will allow to put the fuse in the sharp end and to let the detonation run in proper direction. The conical hollow (to stick in the next cone) causes a cumulative effect, raising ISP. Icecream Waffle Cone Orion.
  8. Frozen propellant. On the metal pancake. A stack of waffle icecream propulsion disks. A metal waffle disk, covered with cryogenic evaporating layer of hydrocarbon ice on the foreside and protective from the aftside. Once it is jettisonned, the ice[cream] immediately evaporates, producing a detonating cloud between this disk and the next disk. The jettison pyrofasteners ignite a fuse, and milliseconds later it ignites the cloud, so the ship gets a kick. Waffle Icecream Orion.
  9. I was thinking about a cord, but laser is nice, too. Btw if the pancake is protected from the aft side with a metal plate, it's both anti-detonation protection and shockwave reflector.
  10. Thine. Thinecraft. Thine craft. Thine Hill.
  11. If make the pusher plate out of a stack of explosive pancakes, they could be jettisonned back one by one, and immediately explode. It's just important to make them immune to the detonation, and ignite with a special ignitor.
  12. But what impression about the human civilisation will it leave in the Trojan community? Undisciplined plebs with the epaulet partially torn off? Unthinkable.
  13. Something got wrong... Harakiri Hill
  14. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211018140504.htm A half of our DNA consists of the infiltrated ancient viruses. We are half-viruses... This makes the viral diseases look even more immoral, as the evil viruses are fratricidal jerks making us undertake fratricidal countermeasures. P.S. DNA needs something like Norton Utilities, to perform DNA defragmentation by using GUI and mouse.
  15. "It's thou from the future. Thou shalt do the you-know-what another way."
  16. Another option. A cannon shooting a cannonball into the pusher plate from behind, so the powder energy is concentrated in one direction... ... wait... ...that's exactly what the nuka-orion is.
  17. Also FOBS was to raise the accuracy by the post-flight deorbit maneuver. It performed an altitude measurement before the deorbit, too.
  18. They were proposed as a antisat (make an air-fuel cloud from can and squash the sat), but just to compensate the low accuracy. The "vacuum bomb" isn't good in vacuum.
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