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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The physics is magic. Alphysical Hill
  2. Why did they not put bags on Paul and Jess heads in orhithopter? They know that she can hypnotize, and both know some gesture language. Why such disorder? Why this puberty aggression from guards every time when somebody is approaching to the object of protection? Can't they check the visitor's permission outdoors? Is it necessary to let him/her get close to the beloved boss and then start sticking knives and guns in the face? A young gang or a serious service? Where did Drax The Destroyer lost the Rocket Raccoon? (Ok, say, Khal Drogo is now the Desert Aquaman). *** The sandworm was too long, the wide screen failed to show it all.
  3. The Kahvi (see above) owners have been banned, so the Gallwood Outpost is saved from the total apocalypse (again), and the banthread can now return to the first page.
  4. Kerbal Dune Navigator. The Kerbals mutate into ugly creatures floating in fishtanks like the Guild Navigators from Dune. They are addicted and need the resource mined on Dune (which they call Spice Resource Respice Spisource) to calculate maneuvers. Without it, their Stupidity quickly reaches 100%.
  5. A dead mosquito soup, as you wish. Waiter! A beesquit, please.
  6. Granted. I wish Ar-Rakis aka Dune was actually Marrakesh.
  7. Diamonds will turn into diamond-shaped neutron stars. Are the diamonds girlz' best friends?
  8. Enough to fill the lunar south polar ocean. If the ring of asteroids is "belt", and it's kinda the solar system's waist, then from which side of the belt is the butt?
  9. The chill gets gone, Achilles Hill
  10. Pshh!!! Wrrrr!!! Pewwww!!! RRRRRRRR!!! Are the beeplanes better than treeplanes?
  11. Because it's much easier than to build something worthy of another one's travel. Why?.. It's a well-known recipe of cheap shawarma when a lot of street dogs are around because it's a cozy rural market. *** Why are the crows not ravens?
  12. Thou shalt assign the chute and the engine to the same staging event, because you anyway will forget to attach the former.
  13. Highlighted the land below to let another sat take a photo, while they think it's night.
  14. Always do. In my Soviet pupilhood we were told that such minor things give the spies razvedchiks away in English-speaking countries (I was sure that my English would do this first). Be careful, tovarishch Joe. https://zen-yandex-ru.translate.goog/media/dossier/na-kakih-melochah-legko-lovili-sovetskih-shpionov-v-vermahte-i-nato-60af8d96198e2d195fe65e56?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=nui Every Soviet boy was aware.
  15. # #1, not №1 Such minor inattention could cost you a foreign career.
  16. The second spin-off of The Walking Dead (World Beyond) finally made the series great again, because it's full of action instead of the endless moral chewing-gum talks, and the characters are almost as charismatic and robust.
  17. Because bakers don't push the meat into the grinder with fingers and can use decimal numbers, while the butchers can use only octals. Why call the cow a dog?
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