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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The technical possibility will appear in such far future that nobody can know what will be called "economics" to that date, comrade @ARS. P.S. Usually they are dreaming about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16_Psyche But according to its density, not that platinum ingots cover its surface. More likely, somewhere at 20 km depth there are deposits of rocks containing twice more platinum than here.
  2. The monkeys have to cowardly crawl on branches and extend the sensitive turret between the leaves to see, if there is something to steal or somebody to get afraid of. The headneck is a monkey periscope. The brave cats operate same way.
  3. AI vs Random Wastes: "Kill'em all with fire!" Literally. To H2O, CO2, N2.
  4. If cancel the SLS, then - what? Redo all KSP rocket mods? Just get on with it.
  5. In Almaz the walls, the ceiling, and the floor of the corridor were even painted in corresponding colors. The Skylab devs preferred to think it's a tower, and the floor is the aft end. In MOL they had a tower of cubic cubicles 2x2x2 with same floor-ceiling-walls. So, Americans prefer to hide in towers, the Russians - in tunnels.
  6. "Hey! Can we launch with a bruised nozzle?" .... "No, no, it's normal. Just asking..."
  7. Not because of storms. Because the tundrosteppe had gone, and other climatic change. And that wasn't a 5 cm change of the ocean level. It was melting of 1..2 km thick ice layer and raise of ocean by from 20 to 140 meters in different places. Compared to that, these 5 cm look somewhat overestimated. Raccoons can into rockets.
  8. I'm afraid, 20 years later the world will forget about the sea levels and carbon dioxide due to the water crysis in "median age < 30 years" countries, and caused by the starvation total extermination of equatorial to tropical flora and fauna, including the totally eaten Serengeti animals, and the jungles turned into plowlands for several years, then into a desert by sun. A half-century later the people will return to the carbon dioxide, of course, but from absolutely different starting position. P.S. And of course, the plastic bags in the coffee shops are a very important part of that.
  9. https://www-interfax-ru.translate.goog/russia/799901?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=nui Rogozin said that the movie crew has tested the surgery preparations and equipment in zero-g, which was never done before, and this is valuable for further space flights. They tried the surgeon, the tools, and the patient fixation, the "blood" gathering in zero-g, and so on. So, the real space medicine has begun from the MS-19 flight. *** Originally a surgery was planned on Voskhod 5 or 6, The famous traveller and TV host Yuri Senkevich, a former companion of Thor Heyerdahl in sea travels, a professional military doctor, was trained to operate a rabbit in zero-g. But due to cancellation of the Voskhod program, this didn't happen. So, Yulia Peresild is the first actress, the first professional actor, and the first tester surgeon in space.
  10. Only water and several other ones. Onless the "liquid" was substituted by the word filter. *** That's why a life hardly can evolve in a hydrocarbon pool on Titan.
  11. The post-Ice Age ice melting was definitely a series of temperature changes, too. So, why expect what didn't happen at much greater climatic catastrophes? Why expect that their strengthening/weakening isn't cyclic? The models describe their correlation based on a 100 year long history. The climate changes were taking from centuries to millenia.
  12. Thanks. So, how could it be that +120 m didn't cause anything, but 5 cm more will turn the Earth into a planet of storms? I didn't see the documented. Did you? The Australian coral reefs appeared just 10kya. Also nothing terrible. P.S. Chaotic systems are unpredictable, lol. That's why they are called chaotic. So, how can somebody predict that the chaotic system will go storming if add 5 cm, rather than 500 m ? P.P.S. The Ice Age. The 1..2 km thick mountains of ice disappeared from two subcontinents (Eu. and Am.) and several seas. Nothing had blown away the leaves from the jungles. *** So, the 5 cm is a pure homeopathy.
  13. y=y(x) ... ? We can see that the ocean raised by 120 m, and this didn't cause any unusual hurricanes. All Mediterranean is about this. Beringia, Oceania, etc ...
  14. Instead of Star Trek, Holy Wood could film a hundred of much better movies for that money, but the herd of local moviegoers needed their usual cud.
  15. Maga comes to the hill. Krav Maga Hill
  16. As it's a all-in-one reptilian cloaca just torn out, the problem is the weak immune system which is a result of brain overсlocking. You forgot to include the family souvenirs freely hanging outside in vulnerable position. On the other hand, Darwin blesses this. It's on the same turret with all main sensors, to reduce the signal time.
  17. Thou shalt not, though thou thought that thou shalt.
  18. What's the formula of deltaHeightOfStormWave, m (deltaOceanLevel, mm) dependence? Is it exponential ? Or, say, some historical chart. On the other hand. If the ocean level gets lower by a meter, the storm waves would disappear at all? How about the 12kya ocean level raise, by 120 m? Were there no storm waves before, or should we suffer from Gargantuan tsunami now?
  19. They bring the excavator and start uncaving the extra concave hill. Excave Hill
  20. The classic combination "cesspool & yeast" could be used to expand the inflatable modules. Or soft landing airbags, if the events happen quickly. Say, a pack of yeast at the capsule bottom and parachute opening at last meters of altitude.
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