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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Conditionally granted. You can use it twice by rotating the sheet upside-down and reading the dots and dashes in another order. I wish, the Morse code had also commas. Btw https://www.brownielocks.com/morsecodepalindromes.html#:~:text=In a morse code palindrome,think via dits and dahs!
  2. Because Kerbals love doughnuts and would try to eat it. Is Minecrasoft a game or a company?
  3. The Pre-grilled Free Bavarian Bears Thrilla in Manilla Hill of Scarecrow71 Crowless Hill
  4. Imho, makes to think that it's a cloud of colored smoke above something much bigger or much deeper. Like a piece of something is lying below, causes a whirl like a rock in the river and paints it with color. Some sunk Titan.
  5. It's not just made of lava. It's a cryogenic spinning lava lamp. *** Saturn, too. And that's why it has a hexagonal nut on top. A counterfeit analog, cheap assembly.
  6. Because otherwise they should upload all resources of the Universe on the program start. Why Kerbin is not cubic?
  7. Granted. The localanguage is also selected without your choice. I wish Sunday Telegraph got seven times more money to be All-Week, not just Sunday, and discovered more new communication technologies yo stop sticking the telegraph bands on a paper sheet..
  8. The bears are grilled. Bavarian Bear Grills
  9. They have beer. A lot of it. Bavarian Beers
  10. Banned for remembering the exotics
  11. The DE AdHills are full of commercial ads in German.
  12. Chryslus Corvega Atomic V-8
  13. Saudi Arabia and US could use the soot to make some clouds and cool the desert. Canada to cover the snow and melt it. Australia for both cooling the desert and melting Antarctica.
  14. If copy the text, it doesn't. https://rocketcrew.space It was test #1 for the space cadets.
  15. It's a suggestion for a space bathroom thread.
  16. The Simfills https://icons.getbootstrap.com/icons/sim-fill/
  17. After having a look at the terrestrial DNA nucleobases, I would doubt very much that the alien ones differ from those four very much. Of course, it's technically possible, but it looks like these four are the simplest and most primitive nucleojunk at all, so most probably they will be the first candidates for a wannabe-life.
  18. Wondering if there is 100 g of gold in the depicted rock or 200 g. The smaller the asteroid - the less money it contains to pay for the mission. The larger it is - the deeper the treasures are.
  19. Banned for the cut tail of the plane.
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