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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. ... but your also can use wind generator in LEO. The wind speed is about 8 km/s there, it should work.
  2. Maybe, somebody's Ukrainian nephew sent his tank to the Canadian uncle to show off, lol.
  3. Banned everyone who disturbs Kerbaloid for nothing.
  4. 5/10 Only a half of humanity can use eBay. Another one doesn't, and uses AliExpress. A human would know, but maybe you are from the eBay half. 10/10 You are a human because you are lying. You can do it just with one press of the power button. *** I'm a human because I've just finished my zirconium coffee.
  5. Granted. Eternal darkness covers Nevada. I wish Baum's Oz books were totally replaced by its remake and upgrade by Volkov, because they are not so naphthalenous, but much more alive.
  6. Thou shalt keep playing 1.3.1 because your favourite mod stopped working in 1.7.3.
  7. T-72 usually don't have that MG shield, afaik. I bet, Soviet T-64 or post-Soviet/Ukrainian T-84 (former T-80), but I'm not a WoT fan. (Which T-80 is post-T-64, in turn.)
  8. Many of the same people who used to propagate the anthropogenic climate change theory out have self-interest have been coming out in support of it, by forrcing to buy "greener that previous" goods instead of the already owned ones. Even morepeople help them doing it for free. *** Watching the nowadays show around the gas prices, interesting, how soon will the coal-mining countries reopen their coal mines and follow the Pedant Germany on the Fischer-Tropsch way.
  9. Banned for checking every word with Das Kapital.
  10. Flash Gordon (1980) and Masters of the Universe were the only good space opera movies, While the Scanners trilogy is the only good telepathologic thriller.
  11. They shot it before lighting a match. (Though, the grass doesn't ignite from the fluff, unless it's very dry and yellow). How much poplar fluff did we burn in childhood, in metric tonnes?
  12. The Carpenter's Dark Star was the last realistic psychological movie about deep space missions.
  13. Banned for neglecting the referential integrity.
  14. No whether. Only If. Château d'If
  15. It's in a great doubt, too. Mount Whether
  16. Arrakis is just a ball left by the Cosmic White Rabbit, and the sandworms were always living there. (That's how the spice appeared.) This theory explains other aspects of the Dunan culture. *** But were there lichens and moss on Arrakis?
  17. Because you could confuse it with poplar fluff and ignite. Why do the Kerbals not making SRB on the poplar fluff?
  18. The Moist Hill is sometimes wet, sometimes dry. Weather Hill
  19. Banned because these were even refrences. The odd ones are on another shelf.
  20. While Star Trek is just an endless, obsolete-style, dull chewing gum, its twin Red Dwarf is totally unwatchable and made out of its plot writers' trashcan notices.
  21. Banned because of course I can, as I have all three seasons of it.
  22. It's the scent rolling. What if cross a platypus and an octopus?
  23. Fellow Kerbals land. Green Billabong, Green Bobbabong, and Green Jebbabong hills.
  24. The names are just labels. They aren't significant. Ids are. What's your GUID?
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