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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. A superpower to never care of being pointless and superpowerful.
  2. Every new sequel of Alien, the acid gets weaker and weaker.
  3. Jacuzzi is for those ones, who can't be washed just by shower. That's why jacuzzi needs bubbling.
  4. Why not? Pines are the closest relatives of palms. Also we have methane, it will melt and make a greenhouse paradise, so they will adapt, and there will be a whole taiga of palms. And with crocodile caviar in Siberian rivers. P.S. Ninja'd, but still true. P.P.S. Canadians have some time to update the leaf on the flag to a palm leaf, but idk which one exactly.
  5. Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves Can it be also called a hype train?
  6. Oops... Indeed. Well... *** There are so many similar forum game titles here because people can't follow rules of any of them.
  7. Happily amn't, as the scholars know as few as Jon Snow. Why is a wolverine not a wolf's wife?
  8. Why "toucan"? It's a vulture, it removes dead animals.
  9. As Romulus was living in VIII BC, while Vulca was living in VI BC, the first who came were the Romulus bro's people - Remans. Why do they never notice that R*mulus is "little R*m", while Rem is just R*m? So, Rem was the elder of twins, while Romulus was additional.
  10. Banned for the warm glow of wisdom in the signature.
  11. Because the light is too light. How can the light not stick in the leaves?
  12. If mean the citizenship, rather than the ethnicity.
  13. Granted. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flip-disc_display I wish for new Io photos.
  14. No, it was un underwater boss monster, who lets its spawns have acid-like saliva dissolving what they spit at. Was the Spirited Away a novel about a washing&laundry enterprise?
  15. Banned for misspelling the "multiapplication"
  16. Granted, You got out of house and now are staring in to space counting the stars. I wish all washing machines were well-balanced, unlike this one drumming somewhere below.
  17. Finch (2021) For me, it's a depressive Bradburian distopy about the aged man, the robot made by him, and the dog made by unshown dogs. Lacking action, but full of dialogs. Never liked Bradbury.
  18. I have seen only few Japanese monster movies, and they were so scary that I was watching them with closed eyes, so can't remember. But I watched the Legend of Dinosaurs and Ghost Ship. Would a cross of Boa and the pterodactyl be a flying turtle?
  19. Only the floating in space one. I can imagine the space turtle consuming the space plankton, but what do the on-turtle elephants eat?
  20. Unexpectedly... So, a tank can defeat even an off-road car?
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