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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Jeb, Bill, and Bob just saw every tree around the VAB.
  2. Conditionally granted. Better use OTRAG. I wish for OTRAG, too.
  3. Big pharma dumping the growth stimulators and other toxic wastes everywhere. Haven't you seen Alligator (1980)? And btw about the alligators. Have they taken out the cameraman filming the Annihilation scene from inside the alligator?
  4. Why not. Lunokhod was originally tracked, and it was designed by the tank designers.
  5. Do you wear your granddad's old leather boots? A coat with patched sleevs? It was normal in XIX century, to keep using old things while they stay intact. Now your cars, plants, planes get too unecological much earlier than really need utilization. Old cars are cursed due to their carbon-dioxide exhaust. CO2 concentration exhaust measurement is one of the standard procedures causing fines. The one who can still do a job, between others who can't due to ill knees, or weak memory, or outdated knowledge. The integral and objective measure of the efforts is the life expectancy. As we can see on the charts, it hasn't grown very much since 1980s, and GDP per capita spent on it brings less and less additional expectancy more. Also, as "a gentleman in his 80s stopped by a jobsite", this means that most employees are much younger than 80, and an employee of 80 is something not very usual. Of course, politcorrectness requires saying "aged" instead of "old", but mostly people stop actibely working before their 80, so that means that the health and thus quality of life hasn't grown very much since 1980s, and the life expectany growth is mostly an longer weakness time rather than longer healthy life. Not that living longer is bad, but this shows that the acceptable level of ecology protection had been achieved two decades ago, and further overclocking doesn't affect the health and life very much, so mostly is self-purposed. Only new technologies can change this, radically changing the human biology. And a harpoon cannon, to mine the whale oil as biofuel.
  6. Probably, Cui Prodest. SLS is a way to keep manufacturing: RS-25 - Rocketdyne, Orange Tank and Orion- LockMart, SRB - ATK (bought the Thiokol) and P&W. Or do you mean, who has rearranged the shuttle parts in KSP? *** So, probably Pentagon helped its steady supplies. *** The question is who supports the anti-ULA SpaceX? Probably, somebody who competes with the military. Say, intelligence. The PR hype around SpaceX also makes to think this. Like U-2 in its time, but SpX now, and with the intention to grab the whole space business from the military hats.
  7. https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Луна?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=nui
  8. Fallout 4 is a badly developed mess of endless spawners and puny nukes.
  9. Granted. All Zeppelins were leading, noone was led. I wish Zippolines had been, too.
  10. Because Tremors is an apocryphe about graboids, too. How can the depicted graboid have such white and good teeth?
  11. Banned for changing the initials of another moddder mod.
  12. Banned because I can't understand why "re-member" (i.e. "make something a member again") means "to have something successfully recallable", and why "for get" (i,e, "with some purpose receive") means to dis-member something re-memberable.
  13. 0/10 0/10 A two bot conversation on randomly generated words. I don't invent new words on this forum. The English is doing it for me. So, I'm a human.
  14. Suddenly it appears that it kills mosquitoes. Chateaudapar Fume
  15. Banned because forgot this previous time.
  16. Every year you can buy a new car, better than previous. Do you? Or do you keep using the previous one while it's enough good, even if worse than the this year one? But wait, the car which you have bought three years ago (and was advertised as so much cleaner than the previous one, now decade-old), is dirty as a steam locomotive, as you can now learn from the caring people, defending the ecology from the morlocks like you, with their smoking three-year old cars. You should quickly replace the car with the new one, even if the current one is enormously clean for the decade-earlier you. Of course, for additional money which you would otherwise not bring to the "cleaner" car manufacturer. *** What's for all this? For life expectancy and for healthy old age. As we can see, though the "greeening" efforts and costs raised significantly since 1970, the life expectancy in the developed countries doesn't grow so fast, and GDP per capita doesn't affect the life expectancy for the top countries as well. So, it looks possible to constatate that the developed countries have almost reached the life expectancy ceiling and the further growth of costs in the best case makes longer the assisted living duration. So, the measures of post-1990 are mostly venting into the locomotive whistle rather than into rotating its wheels. Or, in other terms, the additional costs get spent on third-party needs, and all above the 1990s ecological measures is just selling a health&death fear rather than something actually healthy&wealthy. Judging by exhaust, the French ones do. Because SSJ is equipped with them. :p) And btw about vodka. Ask Brasil about the ethanol jets.
  17. 20/10 It makes you a double human. Yes, I'm an AI.
  18. The chateau eau starts chatting. Chat Eau
  19. Yes, like any graboid. Why did the graboids produce no spice?
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