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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Banned for not combining dark matter and antidark matter.
  2. Misfits (2009) was much more charismatic than The Outlaws (2021), even if the latter is an obvious remake of the former. Though, a cause to rewatch Misfits.
  3. Jokingly saying the boom-bada-bing blah-blah, you unexpectedly summoned the billabong monster. Red Billabong Hill
  4. USAF can into KSP https://www.19fortyfive.com/2021/10/cruise-missile-carrier-aircraft-an-idea-whose-time-has-come/
  5. Everyone can defeat the carbon dioxide by sitting in tram rather than buying a car. Still the car talks are more popular on these forums than a tram choice. The sense of guilt and the sense of slef-importance are so sweet for manipulations...
  6. I'm somewhat older, but that's the way of brushing which my grandad was used to.
  7. So, a test of the orbital subsat-interceptor and as well of an orbital-based warhead.
  8. Every time they tell me to fight against the climate change, I start thinking if I should close my coal mines or stop my oil refineries. A billion of billionaires is deciding how to prevent the climate change by their efforts. Honestly, the Mars terraforming is a more realistic subject for mass discussion, as both a student and a billionaire can affect this in equal degree.
  9. Probably depends on Moss, is she Kate or Elizabeth. *** Is speak about the moss and the lichen as plants, the lichen is a symbiosis of a fungus and an algae, not an individual plant. Moss and algae wood loose the water in the Martian vacuum and couldn't become chemosynthetic, as they are plants. The lichen fungus even on the Earth needs the algae for photosynthesis, so would die from starvation in addition to vacuum.
  10. 1. Take the teeth out, 2. Brush the teeth. 3. Put the teeth in.
  11. It was a lockdown. Why is the "boba fett" noname so known?
  12. The silver spoons intoxicate the organism with heavy metal, like a lead cup would do.
  13. Because "submarine" means "undersea". Only supermarines fly. As there is Star Destroyer, is there a Star Constructor?
  14. Because the ads always lie. Much simpler. Because they were drunken enough to forget the right and left. *** Why did they call it Vinland?
  15. First they have built L.A. which attracts invaders from all over the space in every second game or movie, then they start asking others for help... Can at least somebody without watching the wiki type from memory the full original name of L.A. which is the main aim of all alien invaders from space?
  16. All those martial arts were invented in post-WWII cinema because in real history the riders with swords have always defeated the martial art (artists? masters? martists?). Lemma. The secret kung-fu master in the legends and movies is always so old because he was keeping his kung-fu in secret, was showing it no nobody, and thus nobody knew that he is theoretically a world champion. So, nobody tried to beat him all his long life. Lemma 2. The greatest kung-fu in history is to keep silence and not show off.
  17. Now you got me all missed up. So, whom should we help aliens against?
  18. Banned for negative+positive annihilation.
  19. Banned for making me to reload and reload this page to ban.
  20. Banned for thinking it was about you
  21. Just to be sure... Is it the last sci-fi movie in the human history? Because what else can be added to this wiki of cataclysms?
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