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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Because it's "milli-" + "annual" = 1/1000 of year. Is there micronium?
  2. Banned because he had typed something too long.
  3. The dinosaure got used to frost. Cryosaurs Hill
  4. Banned because your imagination software should be upgraded for that.
  5. The lizards grow and become lizozaurz. The terrarium hillarium is broken. Free Lizozaur Hillarium.
  6. Github is a den of the code exhibitionists who suffer when keep the sources offline.
  7. Granted. You are standing at the blackboard and writing: "My platformer on scratch. My platformer on scratch. My platformer on scratch. My platformer on scratch. My platformer on scratch. My platformer on scratch. ...." I wish I had a desktop in my schoolhood.
  8. They forgot to copy the two-staged hydroflu or how is hydrogen+fluorine called like "hydrolox" for H+O booster for the upper stage from the original project. The plane is not enough.
  9. Imho, Dune (the book) was from the very beginning an attempt of a Western fan of Mid-Eastern exotics to build his own theme park, with assassins and prophecies. With worms instead of camels, and 50 shades of drug dealing. A 1001 night for hippies, "Fear and Loathing on Arrakis", just not a comedy.
  10. A "civilian spaceflight"? Wut's that? The spaceflights are governmental, the tasks are custom, civilian and not. Several tourists at both sides of the Pacific Gulf don't play any role until a commercial company has its own private space station. To stop Tom Cruise from becoming the first living being in the Universe filming a space film in space. Isn't this enough important?
  11. Banned for making me sad for the human inattention.
  12. Banned for moderating moderators. Banned for making think that nobody reads the signatures.
  13. Click! That's what's making the Universe expand. Our clicks.
  14. The Kerbal Cities pack is not installed to save RAM.
  15. Nothing common in shape with the Shuttle orbiter, as it was described not once before.
  16. The hardest part is to ask Galileo himself, if he's OK with modding...
  17. Banned for insinuating the memberator.
  18. But they are always onboard on redocking, as there is no lifeboat on ISS.
  19. Banned because he has a yellow sphere on the profile picture, so he has a right to do that.
  20. They say that the military salute (when they touch the cap with fingers) originates from the medieval times, when the knights were raising the helmet visors to show each other's face as a greeting. But most of the medieval helmets were too cheap and primitive to have a visor. But probably yes. They were knocking the steel helmet with the steel glove fingers to salute each other with a jingle.
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