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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. And the social networks, the prototype of the future human hivemind. Termites are freaks, they prefer imageboards, posting the eaten wooden huts.
  2. Wider eyes - better view. In the distance range closer than the horizon.
  3. They should learn from the predesessors. https://yandex-ru.translate.goog/turbo?text=https://fishki.net/3370715-kak-vygljadeli-pervye-vodolaznye-kostjumy-i-ustrojstva.html&_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=nui How to design proper suits.
  4. http://www.songlyrics.com/gilla/johnny-lyrics/ Replace every occurence of "Johnny" with "Gilly" and also see the singer's alias. So, a pure KSP song.
  5. 2/10 A human can't remember the stuff in his head, unless he has a photo of his brain surgery. So, with such remark, you are a computer. I don't like the odd bits, only the even ones. A CPU treats all bits equally. So, "I am a human" isn't false.
  6. 1-sided die hills die. Zero-Sided Hill
  7. Dissolved in the ocean water as ions. And the experiments on their extraction are being runned by different maintainers, just currently there still is a more available option in ground. *** Even with the overpure silicon the precious metals and lantanoids are still required, because the silicon is a good semi-conductor, but a semi-good conductor.
  8. The temperature doesn't play a role. Only the heat capacity does. A +4°C infinite ocean, connected to any place with rivers is an infinite heat sink we have everywhere on the Earth. And the heat can be easily removed from the mechanisms and reactors just by water washing. While the heat capacity of the thin air, poor ice, and rocks on Mars are negligible, and no heat conductor like a water flow from the closest river is available. So, any mechanism on Mars is almost thermally insulated and can be cooled only by radiation. Even if you cool the reactor or the drill by Martian water, you anyway should then either cool the water by radiation or to dump it and extract new water from drilled ice.
  9. High CoM and doubtful ambulance abilities. Unlikely this will stay.
  10. My impossible battery was meowing and generating sparkles on touch with noses.
  11. The Big Red Hill appears to be a red giant and explodes. White Dwarf Hill.
  12. They don't slide/roll on takeoff/touchdown, so they are pure VTVL.
  13. The hippies go to the astral. Chilled Astral Hill.
  14. "Series"... Five different directors with completely different visions of the movie and its ideology... It's not a series, it's a network. A1 = "spiritual horror", A2 = "psychological action", A3 = "chamber horror and psychological action", A4= "totally apocalyptica nightmare". And the author of the A1 hates other movies of the "series" and considers them as heresy and blasphemy. While other filmed their heresies before the Prometheus and Prometheus-2. And everyone considers as heresy and blasphemy A3 and A4. And let alone two A-vs-P. But the main antagonist of all of them is Weyland-Yutani Corp. Just in every subseries its background varies. (That's probably the only common place of all three Alien settings, except Ripley). *** But @DDE is right. If there are bad androids (badroids?) in every other episode but A2, why should that nice and smiling guy be not as bad as others (a goodroid)? In A3 and A4 Ripley was infected while sleeping. Who did that? Newt and Gorman (after A2) were sleeping. Jonsey (after A1) was sleeping together with Ripley. Of course, Bishop was splitted in halves, but who says he needs both of them to crawl? *** Btw, couldn't Jonsey be a W-Y catroid, managing Ash? *** Back to the topic: A1, A2, P1, P2, AvsP all use VTVL landers.
  15. For Assault+Infiltration+Capture+Repossession Interstellar Ships: Cuckoo (Insert number of mission to planet/star system). (To use somebody's already developed bases for own purposes.)
  16. Not enough. Do the high class, the middle class, and the low class belong to the same namespace? (No, seriously, it's lazy to scroll).
  17. Unplanned passengers are. And animals, too, even the sapient ones. They haven't examined the cargo bay if everything is attached properly. Also it's strange that the gear automatics hadn't signalized about the object stuck inside. So, they haven't checked the systems before the launch from Sulaco.
  18. Silkworms. The Chinese station should herd them and weave the inflatable silk modules, chutes, and maybe even a space lift.
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