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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. A successful flight there and back again, just except the standard docking system testing is of course, a "spectacular failure". When SpaceX breaks things to break through, it's normal.
  2. The mass itself is a fiction. It's just a(n empirical) coefficient to bind the momentum and the energy together, and to describe the local curvature of space-time continuum. So, the question about the mass properties is itself not relevant. A particle with negative mass will act like the reasons which make its calculated mass value negative tell her to act.
  3. Also we forgot to mention the Blood, the game which gives a lot of ways to relax (they even had to put 2..3 types of weapon on every digit, and they are really different and individual, not just three types of the same). And the Caleb's healthy and tactful humour! What can be better than a good benevolent joke joked at the right moment?! *** And DukeNukem 3d with its set of relaxators, such as: freezer, shrinker, devastator, mine, remotely controlled hand grenade, and a whole lot of local things you can use.
  4. Maybe ceiling. Just overturned. If build the Tenpenny Tower near the KSC, will it fit the physical radius?
  5. Or the e-mail grammar autocheck did it.
  6. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/786578 Rogozin is going to invite Musk, Bezos, and Branson to the MS-19 launch. In the (to or yester)day interview he called this launch serious and actually important.
  7. Its density is 13 600 kg/m3, and its surface tension is great. Probably, like a trampoline.
  8. We need a mercury planet in KSP / RSS. Not that fake, rocky Mercury, but the real, mercury Mercury.
  9. (Had anyone already suggested this before? Anyway...) Presses the V key to enter the V.A.T.S. mode to see in details all hiding Martian creatures around and click through them.
  10. By the second third of the next fortnight. Is big fortnight a fortressnight?
  11. The same proposal was for the Soviet Luna program, for E-4 craft series. So, looks like both parties needed to test a nuke at the airless planet surface to develop the lunar warheads, and the conquest of the Moon was meant literally. *** And no, the lunar nuke wouldn't be invisible like the journalists say, even in vacuum. Because at the lunar surface it will heat and melt a spot on the surface which will be definitely visible on the explosion (because hot and shiny) and after (a glassy crater). Also, the proposals were mostly about the backside of the Moon, lol So, nobody except the owner could see it anyway, due to lack of lunar satellites on that time.
  12. The wind starts blowing. The very inflattened hill.
  13. Once upon a time there lived a girl. They called her Mary. The girl was very feisty, controversial, petty, and was fond of muck-raking. When she had grown up, she started suing. And they called her Mary Sue. The part she loved the best were marriage and divorce processes. And they called her Marry Sue. But once she met a worthy opponent. It was a Wall-Mart lawyer, and they called him Marty Sue. So, two loving hearts had married and sued.
  14. The physical laws are studied by the physical lawyers.
  15. Of course. Who hasn't? The same I have seen in Fallout. Does it mean that I can get infinite KSP ammo?
  16. And added: "Never do this again, because the cabin may suddenly move when the electricians are guessing which wire to cut, red or green." Also he had never seen before a partially disassembled elevator cabin hanging from the cables together with occupants and first thought that you are a pack of suicidal gremlins. It's always wise to have a roll of thin garbage bags, regardless of elevator.
  17. Don't forget the skull furniture.
  18. Got it. If load a Starship with lithium and send to the supernova proximity, it will work like a fusion rocket and need no solar panels.
  19. No, I'm not Will. Also not Bob, as well. Actually, no Kerbal name. How did the Kerbals know the human names?
  20. Most of the posts had been posted before this Sunday. Actually, for years.
  21. It has become a good worldwide tradition, to celebrate achievements in advance. And when the celebration has been already celebrated, why keep the headache with the achievement? It won't add much to the good mood anyway.
  22. No, wthere. What if purposely build a plane for the Kerbal Air Force Challenge?
  23. Those wet spots behind the cameraman look expectable.
  24. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/786230 NPO Lavochkin faces some issues during the fire tests of Luna-25 (to be launched in 2022). It will require additional time for debugging. Though, all main propulsion components (engines, tanks) work good.
  25. An on-ground ICBM from the SLBM bureau. A Swamp Thing. To launch from bogs and mask with frogs.
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