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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It will be upgraded to borscht. Waiter! Why does this soup keep its shape without a plate?
  2. It's a Kracken. Too many parts in ISS.
  3. SE: While cleaning teeth, you suddenly looked at the mirror. SP: Internal AdBlock in head.
  4. You welcome. "перетерраформирующего" /pereterraformirujushchego/ = "of something/somebody performing the re-terraforming" "перепланировывавшему осуществление терраформирования" /pereplanirovyvavshemu osushchestvlenije terraformirovanija/ = "for somebody who was re-planning the implementation of terraformation"
  5. The listed sandwich, dryer, etc, differ from the "autopilot" requiring the driver's constant attention without driver's actions. They don't exceed the natural abilities of the human organism to be properly used. Why do people watch TV or surf the net while waiting for something in a queue, or sitting in a plane or a bus? Pupils playing in a class? Because any monotonous activity is a torture, which makes a human tired even when he was just sitting and doing nothing. It's physically impossible for a human to stay alert and concentrated for hours when he doesn't perform any actions on his own. So, unlike the dryers , hot coffee, and sandwiches, the "but the driver should keep his eyes on the road and hands on the wheel " is equal to "we tried to made an autopilot which can replace a human on the driver seat, but it's so unreliable that you have to keep driving yourself, but pay us for the autopilot". The only purpose of an autopilot is a long boring trip (for parking there is a parktronics) , and when a driver has to stay alert for hours but sit still.
  6. The stage was hypergolic. A toxic hill.
  7. A driver forced to follow the driving without be driving = zombie driver on a leash. Able to roll the eyes and clack with teeth, but same smart and attentive. (Donkey) on the seat, thoughts in zombieland. So, all those measures to attract the attention are just an attempt to drop the blame from the manufacturer onto the customer.
  8. The first idea they should have: "Let's spread it onto a mouse, then watch and laugh, how it's running and glowing in the dark." A week later they should probably replace the mouse.
  9. An "autopilot" requiring the driver's hands on the wheel and the driver's attention is by definition worse than no autopilot at all. Because humans aren't robots, they can't keep attention without doing the work themselves, and a sleepy driver = no driver. The autopilot either must be as reliable as a human driver on its own, or be not at all.
  10. While the bourgeois were buying and using this stuff themselves: This thing was at least understandable. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Блокадный_«светлячок»
  11. Wearing the radium flask on the neck illustrates how much seriously the unknown radiation was taken into account at all. Unlikely the other radioactive stuff in the lab was protected better. As a result, we can see the "radium girls" (google, images) and other such consequences.
  12. And a road police car passes by the queue of cars moving along the road.
  13. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Троллей
  14. Like Godzilla was not enough, this guy has gotten them even more.
  15. Wiki says, it was engine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockets_by_Astra#Rocket_3.3
  16. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/787233 Rogozin has stated possible the coming US nuclear weapon placement in space under the nice pretext of, say, Mars terraforming, or anti-comet/asteroid defense. He treats this as a crime, so that's why he started opposing when Musk suggested the Mars nuclear warming.
  17. Granted. You have to harvest five acres of coffee more till the evening, otherwise they will give you no food today. I wish for includes and user-defined constants in the Microsoft T-SQL.
  18. So, still neither BE-4, nor Raptor are applicable for the real spaceflights unlike the modified RD-170 from Energy, aka RD-180s for Atlas-5.and Antares. Sad, very sad to see. Happily, Angara can help.
  19. https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/tesla-autopilot-slams-florida-state-police-car-79701032?cid=clicksource_4380645_3_heads_hero_live_headlines_hed Tesla GTA. Bots vs Cops. A Tesla car tried to ram a police car.
  20. Depends on the nature of the Universe, is it expanding or pulsing.
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