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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Happily, all this will change when the international crews start flying to the Chinese orbital station and the international Russian-Chinese lunar station is implemented! This will significantly improve the trust and faith in the Chinese space program achievements!
  2. In Russian it's a usual word for EVA or any other purposed activity splitted in parts, a "session" is much stranger . *** https://www.interfax.ru/russia/788552 The cosmonauts failed attachhing the Ethernet cable this time, and will do this during the next EVA session, on September, 9. It will take seven hours to attach cables (including the Ethernet one) and handrails. Originally the EVA was planned on 2 and 8 of September, but the latter was postponed at the request of the station partners They will mount pipes and cables (KAS mod), attach pads for large objects (KIS mod), move the airlock chamber and the radiator panel from Rassvet to Nauka (IR mod or BG DLC). *** https://www.interfax.ru/russia/788558 Rogozin stated that the Soyuz-2 rocket will be used for 9..10 years (i.e. till early 2030s), before getting replaced with methalox Soyuz-7 aka Amur-SPG/Amur-LNG. (Google can't translate it, while the English wiki version is rather poor.) https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Союз-7_(ракета-носитель) The Amur-SPG launch will cost 22 mln USD. Payload: as expendable - 13.6 t, as reusable - 10.5 t. The maiden flight can happen in 2025. They are developing the engine for it which could be reused up to 100 times. *** https://www.interfax.ru/russia/788559 Rogozin stated that Roscosmos (in collaboration with Rosatom) is going to implement the interplanetary nuclear tug project by 2030. TEM (Transportno-Energetichesky Modul / Transportation and Energetical Module) will be igniting the nuclear reactor at 800 km height, which is the most safe for such things. Also the PTKNP / Oryol mockup was shown. Rogozin stated that it will be able to perform 3 lunar flights or up to 10 LEO flights. Because speed. Also he stated that the ship is already implemented in metal and maybe first time will fly in 2023.
  3. Shrimps find the hill and live there. Krill Trill Ill Skill Sill Pill Chill Frill Drill Fill Dill Kill Bill Grill Mill Still Hill
  4. https://www.interfax.ru/world/788523 The cosmonaut Pyotr Dubrov has caught the part of Nauka which tried to escape during their today EVA. It was a temporary cup of electrical connector. The cosmonauts were to take off the connector cups and tie them aside with cables and cup rings. But they discovered that some cups don't have the rings, so there is nothing to be cabled. In such case they put the ringless cups into a trash bag. One cup tried to avoid this and escape. But Dubrov has caught it on the second attempt and finally put in the bag. https://www.interfax.ru/world/788537 The adaptation of Nauka to ISS will require nine EVA seances. Yes, Frodo, nine. Three for the Elven-kings under the sky integration. Three for ERA mounting. Three for mountin things by ERA. The ESA crew members will help with the ERA integration.
  5. The hill got ill, too. Ill Skill Sill Pill Chill Frill Drill Fill Dill Kill Bill Grill Mill Still Hill But yours
  6. This achievement has improved everybody's skills. Skill Sill Pill Chill Frill Drill Fill Dill Kill Bill Grill Mill Still Hill
  7. The white is brighter than the gray, but the black is where the gray is absent.
  8. Afair, they (not those they, but just they) use(d) wi-fi router emission to 3d plot the human figures behind the wall.
  9. Take a pill and get calm. Pill Chill Frill Drill Fill Kill Bill Grill Mill Still Hill
  10. P.S. Btw. Please, T2, can we cave two-headed mutated Kerbals? Like Joe-Jim Gregory, but Bill-Bob Kerman.
  11. The mystic hole in Soyuz is finally explained. They tried to attach an external antenna to catch the internet, as the hull was made of aluminium. *** Wait... Oh, ... @Nuke, I hope you aren't texting from ISS?
  12. Somebody bought on AliExpress the cheapest listening devices possible. Whistling so loud, that whole embassy have their ears popped.
  13. All typical trajectories are much shorter than intercontinental, and purposedly pass above national territory or close to it. So, a rocket with 5 000 km long launch will definitely be treated as something like ICBM. Especially since it's known to exist. The same.
  14. Perseverance lands on top and starts drilling. Now it's Drill Fill Dill Kill Bill Grill Mill Still Hill
  15. A ninja training center is opened on the top. Kill Bill Grill Mill Still Hill
  16. SuperHeavy = N1 + DC-X, lol. http://www.russianspaceweb.com/n1_icbm.html
  17. kerbiloid


    Probably, you mean the signature. Click your account at the top-tight corner, open the menu, Account Settings / Signature. But idk what's BACC in this context.
  18. (Soundlessly gives a microscope,) Waiter! As this diner is McDonald's, shouldn't this meal be called Hamborougher?
  19. The Mill is attached to a grill. Grill Mill Still Hill
  20. SE: Now good people do all the same, for even greater good. SP: Ability to see all acting beings (humans, animal, AI) around in frozen time, like in VATS sniping mode in Fallout.
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