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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It's a dragman. He increases the train air drag with hand to help it on the corners like a rudder.
  2. Once it has found a thing to stick, it sticks forever. Cuz constant magnets.
  3. (To look smart, too) If the 1g planet has survived the red giant phase of the star, thus has lost its own atmosphere, was surrounded by the captured hydrogen instead, then it had escaped, then we can have a cool 1g airless planet, enough safe to land a paper plane.
  4. Dusty space. And look: some of those space dusticles are whirling in vacuum, right in the view! And no, they aren't inside the cabin, as some of them are passing behind the ship. Based on the modern videos, the space has gotten much cleaner these days.
  5. The Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 docking chronicles. 1. At 04:12, 08:08, 12:30, 15:50 The 2.2 m in outer diameter spherical habitat looks so large and empty here. 2. From 17:30. The decoupling. What are those debris constantly crossing the view in random directions?
  6. Mining and geological studies mean traumas like broken legs. This means a need in delivering a bleeding crewman to the pressurized habitat. And that's why the built-in tourniquets will be required.
  7. In my schoolhood I read a then-future book, where it was written that in future people will just spray a spray on the body, this will polymerize and turn into a sportsuit-like expendable clothes. So, a spray should be included in this helmet package. Also knee pads and elbow patches with built-in tourniquets. The latter are from some old sci-fi, when they were believing that the space is full of meteorites. A spaceman from damaged spaceship was floating in space, a couple of meteorites hit him, and the spacesuit automatically tied the tourniquets in the suit joints above the amputated limb parts. As you can't just tie a wound, still a must-have on Mars and Moon.
  8. Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Carpet banning. Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban! The second wave of the carpet banning.
  9. A strange source of radiowave emission is detected at the center of the Galaxy. Highly polarized. Sometimes emitting for weeks, sometimes hiding with irregular intervals, from a day to months. They were studying it in 2020, the signal level was varying by 100 times. They were looking at it in IR and UV by Swift and Chandra. The source didn't emit in these ranges of spectrum. Unlike pulsars and magnetars, it's not periodic. It could be a GCRT process in galactic center (they both emit polarized radiowaves but no X-rays), but unlike GCRT it's non-periodicm and the sequence of flashes differs. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://habr.com/ru/news/t/577408/ https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00652
  10. The Kerbals: "Yes! Yes!" Why did hobbits not just fly by the eagles?
  11. From Mars? Pathetic... Roscosmos is wanting to get them from Venus. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2F3dnews.ru%2F1036100%2Frossiya-namerena-dostavit-na-zemlyu-obraztsi-grunta-s-veneri https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fnplus1.ru%2Fblog%2F2020%2F09%2F16%2Fsemifantastic&sandbox=1 (The blue cigar is a telescopic hard envelope, to lift it and then to fill a soft balloon envelope. Then a rocket starts.) Btw repeats my old idea with pistonned tanks for venus lander.
  12. You've just killed a secret plan of a whole company... A real killjoy.
  13. Blow. Something should blow on the fire and extinguish it.
  14. After burning the huge extraterrestrial monster with a bottle of whiskey sitting inside the tentacled car at several tens meters from ground (because the hard-protected vault is just set on fire with the maniac inside) in Cloverfield-2, just some high-voltage wires arer nothing for MarElizWin, As a last resort, she can just teleport like in Faults.
  15. Banned because a secret sign of vampigers.
  16. Banned for orange spacesuit instead of lemon one.
  17. Banned for masking JB182 with K123.
  18. Also we should pay attention to the next word after "4": "inspiration /for/". For what?
  19. Kate (2021) So, the bars in Japan diners have anisotropic physical properties. When the mafia is shooting at the bar with the heroine behind it, the bar stops the bullets. But when the heroine makes a single shot from a pistol with silencer from behind, the bullet makes an inch-wide hole in the bar, and a leg bone, to boot. *** And the street wires. When a bad guy unwillingly hangs on them, it causes sparkles and other electricity. But when the heroine is doing the same a minute later, nothing happens. Because the human will can resist electricity.
  20. They could use a bellow tank. The less fuel is rest, the flatter the tank gets. When it's completely empty and flat, they can use it as an improvised heatshield instead of real one. On landing they could inflate it again and use as a Mercury-style landing airbag. Such a multi-purpose thing...
  21. Sometimes the toothpaste in the tube has a colored star in the center, like a central hollow channel in solid fuel motors. Probably, it's for perspective low-thrust gel motors with soft tank.
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