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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. So, as there is no crew onboard, why occupy the place with the control panel? There should be XBox or PS instead. What about a "biological object under observation"? It's for science, like the whales hunting.
  2. The astronautix article about the N-1 development history is rather interesting. http://www.astronautix.com/n/n1.html Flags? Races? Kindergarden, heh...
  3. Casting Avada Kedavra on mosquitoes. However the killed mosquitoes become mini-dementors.
  4. Because the IVA upturner is overloaded. T shirt. Because O,P,Q,R,S shirts have already been chosen this week. *** I wish for a free discombobulation.
  5. It's of every of the two mice answer. Together it gives 21+21=42. What are dice values in a 4d world?
  6. Got it. Gargantua should be reddish-blue, they lied to us.
  7. A Florida-man astronaut ultimate survival gun. The arrows are against sharks, the spinning is for tuna. Not as good in air, so not the best against bears.
  8. Especially the vision through the hot gas cloud in front. Pershing 2 is much slower.
  9. Just a half-century passed since the first orbital launches, and the humankind returned to what is was beginning from, the launching of living beings as cargo.
  10. And every on-ground base named after the first one who forgot to check oxygen before getting out, or didn't close the airlock before taking the helmet off, or was driving a rover at twice exceeded speed and preferrablly drunken, or did something else in the name of Darwin (whose statue should be the first installation to build the whole colony around).
  11. The Astronaut Fame Board. Also let's remember the (boy/girl/whatever)scout uniform.
  12. SpaceX should send a methane plant, refuel the rocket and get back, like they anyway are going to do with humans.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_industrial_base DIB #XXX
  14. It will take just several of them, because its payload is several tens of tonnes. The choice between the aluminium (2.7 t/m3) and tungsten (19.25 t/m3) is strange. Kinetic ebergy of a typical rod-from-god is several tens of TNT tonnes, just negligible, and requires a direct hit which is unlikely possible.
  15. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/789435 https://www.interfax.ru/russia/789446 After some minor troubles during the cable unboxing, the cosmonauts have manually pulled out the Ethernet cable from the box and successfully attached Nauka to the ISS network.
  16. Granted. Mun has donuts and (lunar) seas. I wish the lunar seas had tides.
  17. Yes. Also: who, how, why, and where. Is this Dune better than previous Dunes?
  18. Melted lunar regolith. If Australia and Antarctics touch, what will be the pengooroo hybrid eating?
  19. No problem. While @kerbiloid hates the "soup with egg" and never took it in a diner, there is enough mayonnaise and squash caviar in the fridge for a boiled dragon egg, like in student times. Waiter! I understand that there is no spoon, but what if wash one?
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