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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. As there is no crew onboard, only passengers, should they add a new spaceflight category between the "crewed" and "uncrewed", the "passengered"?
  2. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/791570 The mockup of the Rosalind Franklin rover for the ExoMars -2022 mission has drilled and extracted the ground samples from 1.7 m depth. Current Martian record is 7 cm. It has gotten a concreted ground pellet 1 cm wide and 2 cm long. The ESA & Roscosmos mission is planned on Sep, 22, 2022, Proton-M + Breeze. It includes the Russian landing pad Kazachok and the ESA rover Rosalind Franklin.
  3. Maybe because they were living not in modern tundra but in a cold steppe full of grass (English wiki doesn't have an equivalent, but in Russian it's lesotundra = forestundra, and tundrosteppe). Also, genetical diversity would be catastrophically poor. Btw, has anyone tried to keep both elephants and wolves in the same biome? I mean the full-featured North-European wolves. Could they hunt elephants?
  4. A tap is a mouseless click. A click is a mouseful tap.
  5. While 4 people could be inside the Quest airlock, 4 people untrained in EVA would have to depressurize Dragon, then somehow egress to Quest rapidly. Seems exceedingly unlikely. Why use Quest with emergency suits? It's required to denitrogenize blood before using the heavy working suits which use a low-nitro gas mixture to be lighter. But the emergency suits probably contain the normal air, like in ships and station, unlikely they they need any camp-out procedures.
  6. Granted. You work in the Amazon call center, and you have to select 1 on your table phone dial to call the artist from another hut. Welcome to the Amazon jungle office. I wish to properly distribute all stored procedure parameters today.
  7. What's happening here? Day of Anarchy ? Why this everlocked noclickthread seems to be neverlocked? Click, but just because of circumstances.
  8. It's a time to wait for 3..4 months until they decide what are they using. Also, I can't see in Rogozin's words the RD-171MV cancellation/
  9. KSP is basically a peaceful game (let alone the exploding manned rockets), and doesn't have any weapon by default. But happily there is a BD Armory mod to use its radar parts for peaceful rendez-vous and docking.
  10. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/791514 Rogozin has stated that the new super-heavy rocket (about whose cancellation was previusly said) will be reusable, and its development has never stopped. The methalox engines for it are in development, and are expected by 2024..2025. He explained that as the new rocket should be used for 20..30 years and will be very expensive, it makes sense to use the perspective technologies instead of the current designs. So, it will take a pause of 3..4 months in its development to have its redesign officially accepted. P.S. Imho, it's important and wise that they aren't trying to revive the N-1 scheme with 30 turbopumps in one hull. Without a single nozzle in center such scheme looks weird and causes doubts. Happily, they are going to start building ROSS and launch Zeus by 2030, so there is enough time to develop this rocket. I guess, it will be using composites instead of obsolete materials like aluminium or steel. Interesting, how much better than Raptor will be the engine? At least, it's will much younger, or at least modified later, with more modern technologies. P.P.S. The current Yenisei design uses 7.7 m central core, like the Energy did. That's what Zak was meaning when said about the Energy resurrection. Expectedly, the Energy design unlikely will be used irl.
  11. Clicking to call @AlamoVampire and others. P.S. Oops, ninja'd.
  12. The seconf video has birds and lizzards salamanders at ~27 min. So, they can open a zoo. P.S. Manul is only for Starship, because of its steel hull.
  13. Apple just has revealed the new iPhone. Maybe, it's a time to launch one to another Grand Tour. It has many pixels and camera stabilization. And it's much lighter than Voyager.
  14. Are. But far. 542 AU far. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_gravitational_lens Though, it's used in KSPI-E mod for ages.
  15. Though, they would better revive the hairy rhinos. Useful here, there, and everywhere.
  16. Jurassic was fiction. Cuz stupid lizards. Mammoths are real. They live in Syberia. And in Syberia 2. (Let alone Skyrim)
  17. (2-in-1. Combo.) All samples of Martian ground collected by Perseverance will stay on Mars forever because Starship will never be able to fly and pick them up to the Earth.
  18. This can allow to populate Mars with elephants, as the mammoths are hairy and aren't afraid of frost. P.S. And Venus as well, but on Venus they need a lot of hot tea to drink, because it's hot.
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